Paterson Welcomes Creation of NY Property Tax Cap Coalition

NYS Governor Paterson issued the following statement a few moments ago: 

Throughout our state, from young couples to seniors to business owners, the call is the same: people are demanding an end to ever-escalating property taxes. The trend not only threatens our quality of life, but our very ability to remain New Yorkers.

That is why upon the recommendation of The Commission on Property Tax Relief, chaired by Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi, I introduced school property tax cap legislation. Earlier this month, the Siena College Research Institute conducted a statewide poll showing that 74% of New Yorkers favor a tax cap. I am pleased that today individuals, associations and businesses have come together to formally create the New York Property Tax Cap Coalition – and to join me in this fight. This emerging coalition, which brings people together from across the State, will provide an important and unified voice in support of this critical legislation.

This proposal is responsible. It is desperately needed and it is supported by an overwhelming number of New Yorkers. I believe we need to come together and make it happen. The creation of the New York Property Tax Cap Coalition brings us one step closer to providing tax cap relief for hardworking New Yorkers.

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