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NYS Governor Paterson Announces $5 Million Grants To Improve High-Speed Internet

Governor David A. Paterson today announced that nine public/private sector partnerships will receive funds to help promote the research, design and implementation of innovative solutions to create affordable broadband Internet access for underserved urban and rural communities throughout the state.

The New York State Council for Universal Broadband, which is charged with developing strategies to ensure every New Yorker has access to affordable, high-speed Internet service, met for the second time this week and the competitive grants were announced at that meeting. The funds will help build high-speed broadband access networks, foster equal and universal access in underserved areas, and develop digital literacy programs.

“In an age when our competitiveness depends on fast and easy access to information, too many communities in New York State still lack sufficient broadband access,” said Governor Paterson. “Improved broadband technologies can spur economic development, increase learning opportunities and connect more New Yorkers to the wide array of resources available online, including government services. The Council will provide strategic oversight as we work with these partnerships to ensure all New Yorkers have access to high-speed Internet and the skills necessary to get the most out of online tools.”

The Council was formed in December 2007 and charged with developing strategies to ensure every New Yorker has access to affordable, high-speed Internet service. It is comprised of 28 members representing state and local government, libraries, municipal associations, economic development, as well as secondary and higher education.

Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno said: “In the 21st Century Universal Broadband is no longer a luxury. It is a necessity if every area of New York State is to share in the opportunity it brings for access to information and services and the education and economic growth that comes with it.”

Assembly Speaker of the House Sheldon Silver said: “In the last decade, access to the Internet has become a necessity for schools, businesses and non-profits to remain viable. Governor Paterson’s initiative helps to address the geographic, economic and technological divides preventing underserved communities from better participating in the global marketplace of ideas and commerce. These grants will help to increase Web access in areas that still lack the essential technical connection and will help students, working people and companies better realize their potentials.”

In 2007, the New York State Legislature appropriated $5 million to provide seed money to be awarded through the Council. To leverage the funds, the Council required a minimum dollar-for-dollar match in the form of cash, in-kind goods and services, or a combination of the two. The value of the matching cash and in-kind services from the nine award recipients totals more than $15.1 million.

More than 50 applications were received for the first year of funding and the proposed 2008-09 budget includes $15 million to continue the program.

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