PHOTOS: Congressman Nadler Tours Misaskim Headquarters


Congressman Jerrold Nadler, Representative for New York’s 8th Congressional District, toured Misaskim’s headquarters today. The Congressman’s visit was inspired by the vital role Misaskim played during the Kletzky tragedy. Misaskim volunteers worked tirelessly throughout the harrowing ordeal to provide assistance and support to the family and to the community.

At Misaskim’s headquarters, Congressman Nadler toured the warehouse where all the G’mach N’chumim items are stored. Misaskim’s G’mach N’chumim is a free-loan society that offers numerous items that can be used during the traditional seven-day shiva mourning period. Congressman Nadler was overwhelmed by the variety of items available to a grieving family. The G’mach N’chumim provides so much more than shiva chairs. Families in mourning can request prayer books, coat racks, air conditioners, water coolers, cribs, folding beds, cordless phones and even Tylenol. All these items are promptly delivered to the shiva house. On an average, Misaskim completes about 70 pick-ups and deliveries each week.

Congressman Nadler also visited Misaskim’s Emergency Operations Center that is equipped with the most advanced communication systems, including international news wire feeds. There, Misaskim representatives demonstrated various initiatives established by Misaskim that aim to protect the safety of the schools and the yeshivas in our communities. The Emergency Operations Center mainly functions as a conference center for community organizations and law enforcement agencies in the event of a community-related emergency or catastrophe. During the Mumbai massacre, the EOC was activated and served as an integral source of information and support. 

Congressman Nadler was visibly impressed with the many community efforts spearheaded by Misaskim. “There are so many important activities that Misaskim is involved in that they could, in reality, occupy the attention of four different organizations,” he said. “The community needs Misaskim. If it didn’t exist, then it would have to be invented.”

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Yitzy Engel.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Misaskim, bikur cholim, hatzoloh, shomrim, chaveirim, numerous g’machim, etc etc. are all second nature to us frumme yidden. But imagine how it is to someone from outside our community it must be a mind boggling experience to see it first hand.

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