Middos Workshop: Character Pitfalls

Naaleh.com introduces a new series of 20 minute video shiurim by Rabbi Hanoch Teller on the vital topic of middos and the implementation of moral sensitivity into our daily lives.

Too often, we spend an inordinate amount of time trying to change others, when in reality we can change only ourselves. The Mishna in Avos says, “Who is mighty? One whom conquers his evil inclination.” Western society considers one who prevails over others to be mighty, but our Rabbis emphasize that it is really one who prevails over himself.

If we refuse to acknowledge our character failings, we will inevitably rationalize our flaws, and try to demonize and find fault with others. Just as our sages instituted numerous rabbinic prohibitions or fences so that we would not come to transgress Torah law, we must erect fences around our evil character traits to prevent us from stumbling. Rav Yisrael Salanter once said that a person is like a bird. He can fly ever so high but if his wings stop flapping, he will inevitably fall down. Working on our middos is a constant battle and we must be watchful at all times.

The first step to improvement is to admit our wrongs. Instead of correcting their mistakes, people have a tendency to persist in their errors. To quote Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, “One who makes a mistake and doesn’t correct it is making a second mistake.” Many times, parents will err with their children and place unrealistic demands on them. They may even see their child suffering and still continue on their ill chosen path. We should ask ourselves, “Are we giving our children a feeling of being loved and appreciated?”

Our tombstones will never be inscribed with the epithets, “She had the shiniest floors or he drove the fanciest car.” Instead, people will remember you as the ‘good neighbor’ or the ‘loving mother’. Small acts of kindness, thoughtful deeds, and giving of oneself without thought of remuneration, will remain with us for eternity. Rabbi Shimon Finkelman points out, “Being good is not the main thing, it’s the only thing.”

This class, and hundreds of others, are available online in streaming video plus mp3 & ipod video download for FREE at www.Naaleh.com.

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