PCS: Choosing a Career Counselor (Part 8)

The PCS Job-Seeker’s Guide
Making Your Job Experience Work For You

No matter what kind of job you’ve decided to go after, for the duration of the job hunting period consider yourself a salesperson.

Consider the product you’re selling; Yourself.
Consider your sales literature; Your resume.

To get the attention of prospective employers– and never forget that there are a lot of job seekers out there competing for that attention– your resume should be interesting, easy to read and inviting to look at. Most importantly, it should review the skills, abilities and accomplishments that will show an employer that you are the best person for the job.

While there is no single right way to set up a resume, certain information-the nuts and bolts of the resume, so to speak—must be covered. This includes a heading stating who you are and where you can be reached, a brief description of the kind of work you’re looking for, a rundown of your work experience and educational background and a summary of your skills and abilities as they pertain to the job in question.

Personal information such as age, gender, race, marital status, or handicaps is entirely optional and is generally not included. Personal references are generally listed on a job application. Rather than include them on your resume, indicate that they are available upon request.

When developing your resume, consider first, the fact that the average employer will spend less than seven seconds reading it. Keeping it short and simple is a must. If your resume is too long, too wordy or disorganized, it simply won’t get read. Limit your resume to one page, your sentences to less than a dozen words. Don’t write in paragraphs; use bullet dots or asterisks to separate items from each other and to guide the reader’s eye to the sentence. Use simple, everyday language, and always proofread for spelling and grammar. Avoid fancy type and flashy paper. Keep a one-inch margin on all four sides of a standard 8.5” x 11” paper. Always double space between sections and single space within sections.

Remember, your resume is often your first chance to make a good impression. Take it seriously and give it the attention it deserves.

If you know of a job opening please contact Professional Career Services at 732.905.9700 [email protected]

Agudath Israel of Lakewood, NJ, Community Services, Inc.
Yoel Tolwinski, Director of Placements     
Shoshana  Smulowitz, Director of Placements     
Daniel Soloff, Director

Agudath Isreal of America, Community Services
Moshe Tyberg,
Avraham Kahn
Daniel Soloff

(This article first appeared in the Hamodia)

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