FrumDivorce: Light Up the Night with Over 500 People

fdThis Chanukah Frum Divorce, in cooperation with the Lev Shlomo foundation has joined forces to inspire and bring light and joy to children of divorced homes. This is a first ever such program. They have taken over the magnificent Hall of Science on Monday, December 22nd from 5-8 PM. Children will have the opportunity to be entertained and enjoy the myriad of different exhibits at the hall (at no charge).

In addition, there will be a beautiful Candle lighting Ceremony, as well as entertainment and food for all. The organizers have ensured that each child who attends will leave with a Chanukah gift, thereby keeping the joy and happiness of Chanukah going.

Divorce is hard on parents, but it is especially painful for the children. So often, it leaves them wounded in limbo, and ultimately they are the silent victims of what is most often a shattering and life-altering experience. While we are blessed in our communities today with charities and benefits for every cause imaginable, few have stood up to champion the cause of divorced parents and their children.

A child’s most deepest wish is to feel normal – to be just one of the group, not different, not stigmatized, and definitely not shamed. This wonderful evening with its terrific program and exciting activities will offer the children the ability to come together, rejoice, and celebrate in the company of hundreds of other children and their parents in the spirit of love, acceptance, and warmth.

It is deeply meaningful and no coincidence that this unique gathering will be dedicated in the memory of Shlomo Zakheim, a giant in the world of chessed, who lived his life to inspire and help the less fortunate. It is his vision and legacy that live on through these heartwarming acts of charitable kindness. This event is sure to put a smile on the faces, and joy in the hearts of so many young beautiful children.

If you would like more information, please visit

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. What an AWESOME event! Parents and children of all ages gathered together to light the Menorah and sing chanukah songs. Gifts, face painting, ballon man, pizza…what more can make a child happy! Happy kids make happy parents.

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