The Heart of Hatzolah

bhatzDear Friend,

What is Hatzolah?

You see the flashing lights, the wailing sirens, the ambulances racing through the streets.  You know what Hatzolah does – of course, they save lives.

Then came an auction event and you saw more.  You read the book and noticed the ads.  You saw the figures and the budgets.  You saw what costs so much money even though our members are all volunteers.  You saw the high cost of the Ambulances, the lifesaving equipment, the training and upkeep, the insurance and other operating expenses.

But there is even more than that.

How can I describe how it pains the heart to see a toddler with burns over 60% of his body?  How can I explain the agony of pulling an adorable six-year-old little girl from under a truck?  And there are no words to depict how it feels to respond to the call of a little yingele with a terminal brain tumor who has developed a life threatening fever.  Yes, we seem tough and strong – and we are – to be able to do our jobs right.  But after we settle the call, have the situation is under control and go home, then it begins.  We are troubled by the pain and suffering we see, by the agony and anguish we witness.  We go back to our families, our children, but our minds are elsewhere, for instead of our own little yingele in front of us, we see the tortured face of the child we just treated.  The images remain vivid, the trauma is there and we know of the long haul our little and big patients are in for once we bring them to the hospitals and trauma centers.

No, there is no way you can fathom what it means to be available at any moment, any day, not knowing if the next call will be one that will leave us pained and tormented at the suffering of our fellow brothers and sisters.  Don’t get me wrong – we are strong, we are capable, we fulfill our duty with speed, professionalism and utmost care and skill.  But we are still human beings, rachmanin bnei rachmanim, who carry the pain and anguish of our community deep in our hearts.

And yet, we wouldn’t change our calling for anything in the world.  We consider it a privilege to be there for Klal Yisrael. 

Yet one thing is so very difficult for us, unfathomable actually.  How could this never-ending wellspring of kindness and compassion known as Hatzolah be forced to struggle to upkeep its services?  Don’t the recipients of our kindness feel compelled to make sure that our grueling task is not made one iota more difficult?

It is difficult to fundraise.  It is difficult to beg.  It is difficult to have to come up with campaigns and events to generate the funding that should really be pouring out – pouring out of grateful and appreciative hearts.  It is difficult to watch children suffer, the elderly hurt, young people crying in pain and anguish.

But even so – we want to be there.  We want to be there for you, in your time of need.  We want to have the best training and the most up-to-date equipment and technology. There is nothing more that we want to do.

But – and can I make this a cry from the depths of my heart – we cannot do it without you!

We are willing to shoulder the burden – of being available at day and night, of leaving family time, simchas, jobs and learning sedarim.  But there is one burden we cannot shoulder alone – the burden of providing the financial means to make it all possible.  For that – we need you!

Please participate in our auction event, in person, over the phone or on the web. This is the fundraiser that Hatzolah of Boro Park depends on to survive.

Can you imagine a world without Hatzolah?

We cannot.

It is up to you to make sure that it will never be so.

With appreciation,

Your local Hatzolah Coordinator

Join the entire Boro Park community as we await the most anticipated event of the year:  The Hatzolah Auction.  As is known to all by now, this is not just a “party”, this is a mega three day event that captivates the hearts of the city and brings fun and entertainment as it garners support for the lifesaving mission of Hatzolah.

This year’s Auction is bigger and more exciting than ever!  Motzei Shabbos, May 24th will feature a mega Melava Malka event for men with a multi-faceted program Hatzolah is known for; captivating speakers, first hand personal accounts and of course, a riveting and heartstopping audio-visual presentation & more.

On Sunday, May 25th, a full day family program will be featured, starring a lineup of world famous entertainers, including Mark Garfunkel, world renowned mentalist, The Gizmo Guys in a comedy juggling duo act, RJ Lewis, magician and ventriloquist, and an exciting performance by the tallest clown.

At the exclusive Hatzolah photo booth, you will be able to get custom snapshots of the kids while you wait by the famous Clix By Gitty and you will be refreshed and delighted by the delicious appetizers designed and served by Diamond Event Catering.

On Monday, Hatzolah showcases an evening of inspiration for women, with a program that is unsurpassed.  The guest speaker will be master orator and world renowned speaker Rabbi Yissoscher Frand, who will speaking at a Brooklyn event for the first time in years.  Rabbi Frand will uplift and charge you in his trademark passionate way, leaving a lasting, indelible impression.

You will be touched by personal accounts of dramatic rescues by Hatzolah, and informed of the latest health information and advice from the acclaimed Dr. Susan Schulman.  You will be mesmerized by the newest Hatzolah audio-visual, “Reflection of Hope” and you will be uplifted by Mrs. Gitty Goldwurm, principal of Mesilas Bais Yaakov, as she conveys the community’s appreciation to Hatzolah in her trademark warm and humorous way.

The Ahavas Chesed Award will be presented to Mrs. Devoiry Paneth by the famed Mrs. Malky Weingarten starring in “passing inspection” & Mali as well as her role as Bina in “Sisters”.

This evening is dedicated in memory of the unforgettable Reb Meyer Gross z”l and a tribute to his life will be presented by his daughter Mrs. Rivky Braver.  Please just us as we salute this noble individual and reflect on the connection he had with Hatzolah.

If past events are any indication, this is an auction you don’t want to miss!  Come and show your support of the incredible work of Hatzolah while enjoying a mesmerizing evening with friends.

Or see them online at Come and be there for Hatzolah.

Because Hatzolah is always there for you.

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