The Gindi Ambulance: From 9/11 to the Masada

1If you shop in the NY/NJ area then you can probably thank the Gindi Family for some of the fashionable clothes, housewares and accessories in your home. The owners of Century 21 department store chain have touched the lives of many people far beyond the fashionable and affordable items that grace the shelves of their chain of department stores.

Many Americans recognize and remember their Lower Manhattan flagship store, across the street from Ground Zero. The store was evacuated after the first plane hit the building and was later severely damaged when the towers came down following the second hit. People followed the Gindi family’s decision to rebuild the store, although abandoning the lot would have been much easier. The building underwent a complete renovation and opened its doors in just a year. Thousands were standing in line, waiting to get in just to own a receipt from the day when Century 21 opened up again – representing healing, recovery and resilience.

The Gindi family knows what terrorism is, what tragedy is and what triumph is. They view their personal and professional victory as a tool for helping other people whose lives were affected by terror on 9/11. Recently though the family decided to support an organization that is constantly on the front lines of terror response – United Hatzalah of Israel.

United Hatzalah’s 2100+ volunteer doctors, paramedics and EMT’s are on call 24/7/365. They are generally the first ones on scene of any emergency in Israel. From terror attacks to heart attacks, from car accidents to childbirths, people in Israel count on United Hatzalah and United Hatzalah counts on people like the Gindi family.

The Gindi family, decided to donate to United Hatzalah – and thus to the People of Israel a fully equipped ambulance. The ambulance made its debut just a few days after its inauguration, at the funeral procession of Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef. With more than half a million people gathered around the cemetery to participate in the procession of the gadol hador it soon became impossible for the grieving family, the children and grandchildren, of Maran to progress. The family called United Hatzalah for help, and the help arrived in the form of the Gindi Ambulance which helped part the crowds in honor of Maran.

After the family was delivered to the cemetery, an emergency call arrived to the United Hatzalah dispatch center. A pregnant woman went into labor just a few blocks away from the cemetery. She needed urgent help. Transportation was a challenge due to the ever growing crowd. A doctor, paramedic and EMT from on board of the ambulance just picked up the necessary equipment and rushed to the side of the lady to assist in the birth of a healthy baby girl.

Since then the ambulance has been instrumental in saving the lives of dozens of people. Just this week the Gindi ambulance helped transport a fully alert yet mechanically ventilated quadriplegic car accident victim to his dream visit to the ancient mountain fortress of Masada. It also was an instrumental vehicle in the training of a group of medics from United Hatzalah of Panama.

The Gindi family knows about terror and tragedy – but like the people who sponsored it, the ambulance is also a symbol of hope, perseverance, and life itself.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. I went to shop there this month and it was right after reading after reading a book on the tragedy and miracles of 9/11, I was wondering if Century 21 got damaged. Now I now.

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