Chai Lifeline Brightens Holiday for More than 50,000


Chanukah festivities started early this year for 50,000 seriously ill kids and their families, thanks to Chai Lifeline.

The international children’s health support organization goes all-out to make the holidays more fun for children living with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses or chronic conditions. This year, that meant collecting and distributing 50,000 toys, games and electronic devices that made Chanukah wishes come true for sick children and their siblings, and hosting parties for both families and hospitalized patients around the world.

“This is certainly one of our most favorite times of the year,” admitted Rabbi Simcha Scholar, the organization’s executive vice president. “It gives us a chance to touch so many lives in a short period of time, to foster friendships and relationships that enhance families all year round.”

In New York and throughout the US, children are celebrating.

Two thousand children and adults clamored into the ballroom of Brooklyn’s Palace Hall for the New York Chanukah Gala. Each child was a guest of honor. Brightly colored balloons floated over each table. Families mingled and parents connected with Chai Lifeline case managers and social workers, volunteers, and one another. Thousands of fresh jelly donuts anchored the sumptuous buffet lunch.

The party, which draws families from as far away as Rochester, is only one of Chai Lifeline’s holiday gatherings.

“This is amazing,” noted a father as his son ran into the arms of his Camp Simcha counselor. Less than a year ago, the boy had been diagnosed with cancer. After four months of treatment, he was bald, pale, and listless. Camp Simcha, Chai Lifeline’s pioneering overnight camp for children with cancer, had restored his smile, and according to his parents, his indomitable will. “This room is rocking, and it’s really raising his spirits at a time when next summer at camp seems so far away.”

“Counselors don’t just see their campers during the summer, noted Faige Yudkovsky, Chai Lifeline’s director of volunteer services. “They maintain supportive relationships twelve months a year. We’re with families all year long. This is one of the most anticipated events and a magical time for our kids.”

“This is the best Chanukah present I could ask for, and a great moment of warmth in the cold of winter” a mother confided as a counselor wheeled her daughter towards the stage. “She’s so happy in camp and this party helps carry that happiness over to winter.”

Each family received a massive box filled with toys collected as part of the Honey Engel Toy Drive before leaving the party.

“About 20,000 toys were donated in the New York area alone,” explained program director Nachman Maimon. “Our volunteers spent hundreds of hours selecting the right toys for each family to make sure that every child has a happier Chanukah.”

Over 800 family members and volunteers joined Chai Lifeline for the NJ Region Annual Chanukah Gala at Ateres Reva in Lakewood. They enjoyed a fun afternoon of family-friendly activities including an exciting trampoline show, creative art projects, and an appearance by Uncle Moishy. Of course, there was food, a candy station, and a beautifully wrapped toy box for every family. “The highlight for the kids was that each child in the family took home a huge box of toys,” said event coordinator Rochel Mendlowitz. “The smiles on their faces were indescribable. We gave away over 10,000 toys and it made their Chanukah!”

The region also teamed up with the Jewish Federation of Southern Jersey to bring families together for a spirited Chanukah party and organized two unforgettable hospital parties at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Children’s Specialized Hospital.

West Coast families came together for the region’s annual party, an unusual collaboration between Chai Lifeline and students of four girls’ high schools. Based on the smiles and laughter emanating from the young guests, the undertaking was an abundant success, with “Paws of Love” pet therapy causing eruptions of giggles.

The region’s renowned Chanukah Angels program, which matches children with “angels” who fulfill their holiday wishes, reached record heights this year. Over 130 angels personally adopted a Chai Lifeline client or sibling.

“Each angel receives a profile of the child along with a wish list,” explained regional director Randi Grossman, MPH. The majority purchased everything on the child’s wish list, and several went well beyond.

“Many of our angels told us that this program is the highlight of their year. They feel honored and delighted that they can bring such joy to our children, and the depths of their generosity are amazing.”

Southeast region families who live in South Florida are celebrating for more than eight nights. Over the weekend, thirty children enjoyed a Florida Panthers game in a private box at BB&T Stadium. Next week, more than 150 kids, sibs, and volunteers will welcome the holiday with entertainment and dinner at FunderDome Indoor Theme Park. A counselor described the upcoming party as “loud and raucous and fun!” One thing is for sure: everyone’s looking forward to it.

Chanukah is, of course, an excuse for giving presents, and Southeast region patients and siblings are no exception. Twenty-two families received personalized gifts through the Chanukah Angels program. Chai Lifeline’s Uncle Danny Fund sent special toys, presents and gift cards to more than 200 southeast children.

Amazing parties in Silver Spring and Baltimore assured children living near our nation’s capital that they were not forgotten, as Chai Lifeline makes sure everyone is included in the fun.

The Midwest region rejoiced at the Skokie Valley Agudath Jacob. The lively party included games, activities, music, and of course, lots of presents for Chai Lifeline’s children and their siblings.

Chai Lifeline makes kids smile around the world.

Israel is small enough that Chanukah is personal at Chaiyanu/Chai Lifeline Israel. Two holiday parties are augmented by caravans of volunteers who visit the home of every Chaiyanu child, delivering gifts for patients and siblings. The volunteers also stop at Israel’s hospitals, cheering children in the wards with their antics and presents.

Spirits are high in Great Britain as well. Parties in London and Manchester brought more than 300 children and families together for an afternoon’s respite from illness. Camp Simcha UK, as Chai Lifeline is known in the British Isles, collected over 4000 toys that will be sent to children in over 100 hospital wards across the country. Camp Simcha UK’s work got an extra boost this year: Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis joined director Neville Goldschneider at the Royal Free Hospital, where they delivered balloons to children on the wards.

Kids in Chai Lifeline Canada are also having a great time. In Toronto, over 350 people partied at the E-Zone entertainment center, enjoying Laser tag, face painting, a magic show, and much more. Everyone loved doing amazing crafts with “Crafting for a Cure,” and delighted in interactive science experiments with performers from “Mad Science.” Children came from all the day schools across the denominational spectrum and had a blast, especially when choosing all the gifts they wanted from eight massive tables groaning with donated presents. “We had so many toys and electronics, we had to rent a truck,” marvelled Jennifer Gelberger, Volunteer and Event Coordinator. Montreal had its own gala, with over 200 guests featuring break dancers, caricatures, a slushee bar, and, of course, endless toys.

Boys and girls in Chai Lifeline Antwerp are looking forward to a great time, with a girls’ party and boys’ skiing trip planned, as well as a toy drive to benefit the Children’s Hospital.

Hospitalized children are in on the fun

Children who miss the parties because they are hospitalized won’t miss out. Chai Lifeline mini-galas across the country will bring Chanukah to children’s wards. Among the festivities scheduled this year are parties at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles; Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital and Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston; Miami Children’s Hospital and Chris Evert Children’s Hospital in south Florida; Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta; Sinai Hospital, Baltimore; The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; and Children’s Specialized Hospital in New Jersey.

In all, Chai Lifeline will distribute over 50,000 toys at the events and hospitals. “They look like massive holiday parties on the outside, but the greatest present given to families is the non-stop support,” noted Rabbi Scholar. “At the end of the day, some people will have found new ways to cope. Some will have been on the giving end, offering friendship and suggestions. Many will have new friends. All will have great memories that will keep them going when times get rough.”

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


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