The Power of Tinokos Shel Beis Raban: Misaskim’s Annual Tehilim Asifa to Include Listings & MiSheberachs for Sick

mitMisaskim’s annual tehillim asifa has changed the meaning of Aseres Yemei Tshuva for more than 30,000 children who participate in ways that little else has. On Tuesday September 10th, the 6th day of the Aseres Yemei Teshuva, there will be even more change. For the first time, people will be able to have names of cholim displayed on a large screen in the Bobover Beis Medrash that will be visible while the children are saying the tehilim. Individuals will also have the opportunity to have a Mi SheBeirach recited in the zechus of a refuah sheleima for their loved ones.

More than 30,000 children take part in this special event, which is broadcast around the world. The annual event, which is organized and coordinated by the Misaskim organization, will take place at 1:00pm at the magnificent Bobover Bais Medrash in Boro Park. 6,000 yeshiva children from nearly 40 yeshivos will fill the huge bais medrash with more than 25,000 others joining via live hookup in 130 locations in Jewish communities throughout the world.

The children will recite six kapitlech tehilim on behalf of the cholim, particularly other children. The tehilim is followed by Mincha, Avinu Malkeinu, Shlosh Esrei Middos, Kabbolas Ohl Malchus Shomayim, and Oleinu.

“The response in the community has been so overwhelming that we decided to add even more meaning to the tefillos of tinokos shel beis raban by adding the listing and mishebrach for specific cholim,” said Yaakov Cohen, Executive Director of Misaskim. To be included in the listing or MiSheberach, please got to or call Misaskim at T: 718-854-4548.

Misaskim volunteers, who will be involved in the mammoth undertaking of organizing the Tehilim Asifa, are known for their dedication and skilled attentiveness to detail, whether it is for a tehilim asifa or on the scene of a disaster. Founded in 1999, Misaskim is well known for its services to thousands of mourners who receive the required special furniture, Sifrei Torah, and even air conditioners. It is also the major force in the community in preparedness for any possible disaster with a full team of volunteer rescuers as well as a sophisticated communications center and emergency equipment.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. Halevai that at least somebody should see any kind of proof that this Asiffa had any kind of a positive effect.
    We must start teaching our children that we are a caring people and we do not exclude any person from our Teffilos regardless wether he was born to a Yiddishe mother or not.
    Then we can hope that HKBH should send us all the Yishious that we need.

  2. …. “The response in the community has been so overwhelming….”
    What we really needed all these years was, some kind of response from the Riboino Shel Oilom.

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