VIDEO & PHOTOS: Camp Simcha Lights Up Times Square



It appears that nothing can break the resolve of the brave young campers at Camp Simcha, which is a project of Chai Lifeline. Not even the sweltering heat wave that settled over New York City this week could deter Camp Simcha from stealing the show in its special primetime performance in Times Square.

On Thursday night, July 18, 2013, nearly 500 campers and staff and medical personnel from Camp Simcha, an overnight camp for children and teens with cancer and other hematologic illnesses, took center stage at the bleacher/promenade area in the heart of Times Square, where they gathered for a special and inspirational “Hall of Fame” musical performance under the bright lights of Broadway.

As the campers, counselors and camp medical staff ascended the bleachers, hundreds of onlookers gathered to watch as this remarkable and magical scene unfolded at ‘the crossroads of the world.’

As images of the Camp Simcha children appeared on the giant electronic billboards all around Times Square, Ari Dembitzer, the head counselor at Camp Simcha, took the microphone and fired up the campers, the counselors, and the huge crowd of spectators.

When the music began to play on the giant sound system, the Camp Simcha heroes readied themselves for their big moment.

The main theme of the song, which is the idea that you can be anything you want to be or do anything you want to do, is highlighted by the words “Dedicate yourself, and you will find yourself standing in the hall of fame.” This powerful and inspiring message of hope and resilience is especially poignant for these special campers who are each working to overcome the cancer that has stricken them.

The campers and counselors sang a variation of the song, with specially written lyrics to mark the momentous occasion. The choreography was wonderful and the singing was melodious. But one of the highlights of this historic performance was the props used during the chorus.

… now we’re…Standing in the Hall of Fame
And the world’s gonna know our name
Cause we burn with the brightest flame
and in Simcha we proclaim
that we’ll be on the walls of the Halls of Fame.

As the children and counselors belted out the chorus, they proudly lifted up large signs containing the children’s first names and pictures. The sight of these children, each of whom is battling cancer, reaching for heavens, holding these magical signs aloft for the world to see, and proudly proclaiming that they are indeed warriors who are striving for the “Hall of Fame,” was nothing short of magical.

While camp personnel distributed water bottles to the campers and counselors and tended to their needs, the performers soaked up the moment and clearly enjoyed their time in the limelight.

Listening to the music playing and watching the children dancing was undoubtedly a memorable experience for everyone who witnessed the “Hall of Fame” performance. It was truly incredible and especially moving to see the smiles on the faces of these special campers and their remarkable counselors light up Times Square and brighten Broadway.

Shaindy Lowenthal, the Program Director of Camp Simcha, Ephraim Shapiro, and the entire team at Camp Simcha who helped coordinate the event and make it happen, did an incredible job pulling together such an extraordinary and unforgettable evening.

Rabbi Simcha Scholar, Executive Vice President of Chai Lifeline, watched with great pride as the children and counselors performed in Times Square. “Once again, Camp Simcha has shown the world the true meaning of unity and the display of happiness,” he said.

Camp Simcha is the only kosher camp for children with cancer, together with its sister camp, Camp Simcha Special, which is for children with life-threatening and life-long illness. Close to 450 children come from 60 locations worldwide with all expenses paid, including transportation, for a life altering experience. Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Special have a large medical staff (doctors, nurses, EMTs and physical therapists) with their own ambulances, in addition to access to a helicopter for emergencies.

Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Special is a project of Chai Lifeline, a worldwide organization founded in 1987, whose mission has been to restore the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when life-threatening or lifelong illness was diagnosed. Through programs that address the emotional, social, and financial needs of seriously ill children, their families, and communities, Chai Lifeline restores normalcy to family life, and better enables families to withstand the crises and challenges of serious pediatric illness.

For more information, visit and

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Yitzy Engel.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. A true leader is one who lifts others up….Ari Dembitzer defines this role ……..and more! An amazing Shaindy Lowenthal, an amazing Ephraim Shapiro, an indescribable staff , and most of all, the most wonderful, inspirational campers!!!! Yasher Koach Rabbi Scholar and the whole Chai Lifeline organization!

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