Ichud Hatzalah Completes Preparations for Lag BaOmer


Ichud Hatzalah officials report they have completed preparing for the major Lag B’Omer event which demands significant logistical readiness along with manpower. EMS responders, both BLS (basic life support) and ALS (advanced life support) will include EMTs, paramedics and physicians. The operation begins on Thursday 16 Iyar 5773 until Monday, 19 Iyar as a result of Lag B’Omer falling out on motzei Shabbos.

Magen David Adom and other organizations will also maintain a presence in Meron in the area of the tziyun of Kever Rashbi. Ichud Hatzalah will be using volunteers from around the country, members of the organization’s over 2,000 strong force. The manpower assigned to the Lag B’Omer event will be scheduled in shifts providing round-the-clock coverage for the event. Ichud will maintain a command center as well as aid stations and responders will be on foot or using two-wheeled and specialized four-wheel response vehicles as well to facilitate access to any and all areas in and around the tziyun. Ichud officials remind the tzibur that in the event of an emergency, one may dial 1221 from any phone (without a star or pound symbol) for immediate assistance. YWN-ISRAEL adds that MDA’s emergency number is 101 (without a star or pound symbol).

Ichud commanders remind persons who regularly take medications and plan to travel to Meron to be certain to bring regular meds along with them.

And finally, Ichud officials urge visitors to familiarize themselves with basic safety precautions and to read instruction signs in the northern areas during the Lag B’Omer weekend to prevent avoidable emergency situations. One is strongly advised to bring clothing for different weather situations.

YWN PHOTO LINK: CLick HERE for photos by Ichud Hatzalah

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. With Lag Bomer taking place on Sunday, are they ensuring that chilul shabbos of IDF, Security, Medical personnel that have to get to Meron is limited?
    Should be pushed off to Monday to ensure that the least amount of chilul shabbos happens? Isnt that what we would all desire in Eretz Yisroel?

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