Misaskim Cares Publishes Latest Edition

micaMisaskim has just released the latest edition of Misaskim Cares (formerly Gates of Chesed) on Erev Pesach. The magazine was distributed throughout the tri-state area and can also be viewed online here.

Misaskim volunteers provide numerous community-related services throughout the year. These services include providing assistance for grieving families, and, if needed, dealing with families in crisis, and communicating with law enforcement personnel. Frequent performance of these services has led the organization to recognize that it possesses a unique understanding of the numerous safety and security gaps within the community that need to be addressed. We have been keeping tabs on pertinent issues involving those health, legal, home and medical emergencies that surface again and again.

Misaskim Cares features gentle reminders, useful tips, and pertinent information that can be instrumental in safeguarding your family’s wellbeing all year long. It also includes powerful lessons of emunah that Misaskim volunteers have witnessed during this past year. In addition to exploring the factors that most commonly lead to burn injuries r”l, this issue of Misaskim Cares explores important tips for maintaining the safety of our elderly loved ones. It also clarifies important issues connected to air-travel and explains how following helpful advice can prevent a long-distance trip from metamorphosing into a stressful experience. Various other issues that impact our communities are also brought into focus as we invite you to partner with Misaskim in its prevention efforts.

Misaskim’s annual Birchas Illanos tree listing also appears in this edition. Because Pesach falls unusually early this year, we have included a unique P’sak by Rabbi Moshe Roth, shlita, regarding birchas illunos and how it should be done properly.

This current issue of Misaskim Cares marks the 11th year since Misaskim started promoting community safety. The experience we’ve gained each year has once again enabled us to take the lead in developing vitally-needed awareness of what is happening around us. Be sure to read Misaskim Cares and keep an eye out for our upcoming summer issue.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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