Weekly Tefilah Focus Program

About The Program

The purpose of this program is to assist those who wish to improve their kavanah in
tefilah but who, for a variety of reasons, have been unable to make significant
improvements and who still struggle with lack of kavanah and perhaps even a lack of
feeling for tefilah as a result.

The process will be a simple one, involving only a few minutes a WEEK of new time
invested to focus on one particular segment of tefilah each week. Resources will be
made available weekly.

The materials will be based on sources, concisely but powerfully presented, and will allow you to personally adapt them in a way that you
find motivating. We anticipate the weekly focus will:

  • Bring us closer to dveikus with Hashem.
  • Bring us closer to understanding that we are totally dependent on Hashem: ALL is
    in His Power.

The Purpose of Tefilah

Since we are all davening in any case, we will have the opportunity all week to review,
think more deeply about, and adapt the concepts set forth in the current weekly
focus segment. We also hope this program will encourage you to independently find
your own resources on the week’s focus and to engage in discussions with others to
gain additional insights into the focus segment.

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We are not suggesting that anyone ignore the rest of tefilah. The rest of tefilah
should certainly continue with the same efforts as they have until now. We are
simply suggesting an increased focus on a particular segment each week, spending
more time and focus when saying those parts. Eventually, with Hashem’s help and
through a committed and consistent effort, we will begin to see tefilah come alive.
We will look back, b’ezras Hashem, as with any consistent and steady growth, and be
amazed and overwhelmed at the change in our tefilos and in our connection with
Hashem as a result.

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