The Emergency Sandy Chesed Fund advisory committee says that thanks to your donations through YWN, over $80,000 has already been distributed to 73 families for their immediate needs. There are many more in the pipeline, but funds are running out. To date we have raised approximately $130,000.00.

Dozens of families have been completely wiped out by the storm surge. Some have insurance and some are underinsured, but many have no insurance at all.

Please donate as much as you can to help these families in their hour of need.

If you know of any individual or family in serious need of emergency assistance, please contact any of the organizations involved with the Hurricane Sandy Chesed Fund. (Local Hatzalah groups, Shomrim, Misaskim, Chaveirim, Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, Yad Ephraim and neighborhood Jewish Community Councils)

We are grateful for the outpouring of support and generosity of those who have already donated and urge others who have not to please help the people who need our help at this time.

The Emergency Sandy Chesed Fund was formed by Councilman David G. Greenfield at a meeting two weeks ago in his office to thank the groups for their efforts since the storm hit and to improve coordination between them. All proceeds of theEmergency Sandy Chesed Fund are going directly to victims and victim services.

Please give generously by making out a check to the “Emergency Sandy Chesed Fund” and mailing it to 1340 East 9th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11230 c/o Chevra Hatzalah or online at

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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