Thousands Anticipated at Kever Rachel on the Yartzeit

Rachel Imainu’s yartzeit is this Shabbos on the Eleventh of Cheshvon (October 27 2012). Jews have always visited Kever Rachel on the yartzeit, because tefillos recited on that day are especially effective. Mosdos Kever Rachel keeps the tradition alive, by hosting the influx of visitors. The turnout is tremendous. In 2011, over 100,000 Jews visited Kever Rachel to daven and beseech HaShem for yeshuos in the merit of Mama Rochel.

Since 2001 when Kever Rachel was a forlorn, desolate and even dangerous place to visit Rabbi and Mrs. Kluger have been striving to transform Kever Rachel into the vibrant, and secure place it is today. It was simply unthinkable that the Kever of our dear mother Rochel should be unreachable. They established Mosdos Kever Rachel which supports a kollel on the site with groups of Avreichim learning and davening throughout the day and night.  In addition they subsidize the popular Kever Rochel buses from Jerusalem three times daily.

The anticipation for the yartzeit is incredible. A tremendous amount of food and drink is being prepared in the huge tent set up especially by Mosdos Kever Rachel. Unfortunately, not everyone can physically be there, but you can feel and be part of this awe inspiring time via LIVE WEBCAM which will run from today (approximately 1:00 P.M.) until Sunday evening. This can be accessed by logging on to

Countless individuals have seen incredible yeshuos when supporting Mosdos Kever Rachel. Rav Chaim Palagi writes that all those who contribute to the Kever Rachel fund on her Yartzeit will be rescued from all evil. (Moed Lchol Chai-siman38). Mosdos Kever Rachel’s 24 hour hotline will accept calls for tefillos and donations to help support this unique organization. You can call 1-888-276-2435 (2-ROCHEL) or by clicking here.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. I heard many rabbonim express skepticism on the inyan of tefillot said with the same kaavanah having more or less efficacy depending on the day they are said or where they are said. In most cases, the claims of incredible yeshuos or universal protection from all sakanahs are litterally bubba meisas with little if any basis in daas torah but instead are used as “marketing tools” by different mosdos.

    Having said that, there is no question that there is a need for funding for the upgrade of the facilities at Kever Rachel and that Rabbi and Rebitzen Kluger have done a magnificent job but I respectfully submit there is no need for the hype.

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