Parnasah Network Rapidly Growing

We constantly hear about how the Internet can be turned into a positive tool for the Jewish community if it is used correctly. Few people have actually put that maxim into practice as successfully as Lakewood activist Reb Duvi Honig has with

Several months ago, Reb Duvi launched, a first-of-its-kind website that serves as an invaluable employment interface for the Jewish community around the globe. A list of new job offers, running the gamut from entry level positions to skilled professionals in both the general and communal fields, is added to the site each day. Visitors can reply to suitable job offers or post their resume’s, anonymously if so desired, for all potential employers to review.

Already, has garnered over 150,000 hits from the United States, Canada, Europe, Israel and beyond, after being publicized on Yeshiva World News and other venues. Traffic from both job seekers and employee seekers is constantly spiraling, as new worlds of opportunity are opened for those at both sides of the equation. Interviews are being arranged and positions are being filled as a result on a daily basis.

Prior to his latest successful endeavor, Reb Duvi earned widespread renown for founding the revolutionary “Learn and Network” Kollel Zichron Mordechai Yosef three years ago. In this short time period, Learn and Network’s flagship Lakewood branch and its various affiliates in the United States and Eretz Yisroel have served as a makom Torah that has successfully helped countless breadwinners advance in their parnassah through a wealth of related assistance and resources. The organization also hosted a resoundingly successful Parnassah Expo this past winter, which attracted over 7,000 men and women.

“The key to Learn and Network’s success has been the ability for yungerleit to network with professionals and each other, and thus land upstanding jobs and build a successful business B’siyatta Dishmaya,” Reb Duvi explains. “ takes that concept to an entirely new level.”

If you or someone you know is looking for a job or looking to hire, please visit or email

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