Kiruv At The Israeli Day Parade

The Israeli Day Parade is upon us again on Sunday, June 3rd, and once again, tens of thousands of Jews from many different backgrounds and places will be joining together to project support for the State of Israel, and a sense of Jewish identity.

However, this year there will be one added dimension: A new organization called Am Yisrael Chai will be distributing to onlookers a carefully designed “bookmark” card with information about 9 outreach organizations arranged in a menu-like format for different geographical regions, i.e. Manhattan, Queens & Long Island, Brooklyn, and International.

Every listing will come with the particular organization’s specific programs highlighted as well as address, phone, email, and website contact information.

Am Yisrael Chai’s founders Alan Shuchatowitz and Yosef Tannenbaum, believe that many of those attending the parade have a sense of pride in their Jewish identity, but are looking for different avenues with which to expand their knowledge and appreciation of their Jewish heritage.

Am Yisrael Chai is looking for volunteers to assist in the important mitzvah of card distribution.

Anyone attending the parade who can spare even an hour of their time is requested to contact either Alan at 917-865-0309 or Yosef Tannenbaum at 917-496-1093.

All help will be greatly appreciated.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. It would be a good thing if they learn to identify there Jewishness more with our Holly Torah and less with the State of Israel parade.
    After all, one is eternal and the other… (I think we should be able to figure that out)

  2. The comments on this article are sounding more like Naturei Karta garbage.
    Since when is being frum and being a true supporter of the State of Israel mutually exclusive?

  3. Moose613, it seems like your definition of being a “true supporter” of our homeland is attending a parade that showcases some of the lowest cultural influences that have infiltrated our nation both in Israel and around the world. Much of the contents parade is antithetical to true Torah Judaism.

  4. Moose613, it seems like your definition of being a “true supporter” of our homeland is attending a parade that showcases some of the lowest cultural influences that have infiltrated our nation both in Israel and around the world. Much of the contents of the parade is antithetical to true Torah Judaism.

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