PHOTOS: Half A Million Steps Climbed This Past Week


Eretz Yisroel – The delivery guys did not expect a yelling. Not after schlepping up 5 flights of stairs carrying 9 heavy boxes. But yell she did, saying, “This is not what I ordered! Where is my case of water?!”

It took the woman a few moments to realize that the generous order containing over 40 kosher-for-Pesach products was indeed, not the measly delivery of basics that she had been expecting from her grocery.

This woman was one of 2,500 who received a Kimcha D’Pischa package from Tov V’Chesed the past week. To protect the dignity of these families, all packages were delivered to the door, looking as if it came from a supermarket.

Preparations for this massive project began a while ago. Rabbi Yakov Eliezer Schischa, who directs the organization, has been traveling to visit donors all through the winter, while his assistants spent weeks bargaining with vendors to ensure the maximum value for each dollar.

For the past three weeks, the lights at the Tov V’Chesed warehouse were never switched off. Over 40 workers and volunteers took shifts from 8:00am until 2 o’clock in the morning organizing the products and filling all those boxes. Another crew worked through the predawn hours to clear the warehouse and make room for the massive shipments of fresh products that were packed the following day.

Deliveries, to 35 neighborhoods spread through 5 cities in Eretz Yisroel, began last Wednesday, and were completed well in time for the underprivileged recipients to make their preparations and welcome Yom Tov with peace of mind.

Tov V’Chesed would like to thank the generous donors who made all this possible.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

5 Responses

  1. It is amazing what kind of chessed goes on in this world today, may it be a zechus for the coming of moshiach bemehera beyamainu………..BUT, I think these chessed organizations should first put a letter in the recipients mail boxes a few days before, so they know it is coming and to save anyone from any boosha that can stem from this.

  2. Dkbmd – on the other hand the cost and/or manpower required for that letter drop could probably feed some more needy people.

    Overall I have to echo #1. Mi K’Amcha Yisrael!

  3. #4 –

    1) How will a letter in the mail ave anybody any boosha? They’re still going to get the delivery.
    2) That’s the whole MO of this organization. They make it appear as a local grocery delivery.

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