Misaskim Welcomes FBI Assistant Director in Charge of New York

On Monday, February 27, 2012, Misaskim hosted FBI Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Field Office, Ms. Janice Fedarcyk, and members of her staff. The objective of this event was to give Ms. Fedarcyk a better understanding of the Jewish community. Ms. Fedarcyk was introduced to numerous representatives of local and national organizations, so that she could better understand the needs of the Jewish community and how they are met.

Some of the organizations present at the event included Hatzolah Volunteer Ambulance Corps – including members of the Monsey Hatzolah – Agudath Israel of America, the Jewish Community Relations Council, Dror, Ohel, Chai Lifeline, Hebrew Academy for Special Children, Yeshiva Novominsk and representatives from several Shomrim groups. Key law enforcement personnel, including Chief Moran from Patrol Boro Brooklyn South, representatives from local precincts, the New York State Police, the Chief of the New Jersey Transit, the Superintendent of the Port Authority, the Medical Examiner’s Office as well as officials from the Sheriff’s office of the Ulster, Sullivan and Orange counties, were all present to demonstrate how Misaskim and other organizations work hand in hand with law enforcement. Councilman Greenfield, Councilman Nelson and delegates from Congressman Nadler and Councilman Lander’s office were some of the elected officials that participated in the event.

During the meeting, the FBI and NYPD were applauded for their ongoing efforts in keeping New York City safe from terrorism attacks. “New York is the number one terrorist target in the world – we’ve not had a single terror attack since 9/11,” Councilman David Greenfield told FBI and NYPD officials. “We know we can walk the streets of NYC safe everyday because of your leadership.”

Representatives from various community organizations had an opportunity to outline the services their organizations offer to the Jewish community on a daily basis. This enabled the FBI officials to get a good understanding of how these organizations work together to support families in need in almost any given situation. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel of the Agudath Israel of America thanked the law-enforcement community for making it possible for these Jewish organizations to operate. “Unlike in Europe or in many countries around the world where law enforcement was part of the problem and the enforcement of the law was often to the detriment of the Jewish community,” explained Rabbi Zweibel. “Here, law enforcement protects us and allows us to build our institutions and allows us to be safe.”

Ms. Fedarcyk praised the community organizations for their consistent efforts in supporting those in need and for their working relationships with law enforcement. “If we allow ourselves to become indifferent … to one’s religious or cultural beliefs, indifferent to the relationships that are important in today’s society,” she told the audience, “then we are, of course, doing ourselves a major injustice.” She went on to say, “The FBI is becoming more and more involved working with our communities to build trust and lasting relationships with those that we serve.”

Monday’s event followed a cultural training session that Misaskim conducted last month at the FBI New York Field Office. The training session offered newly assigned agents an in depth understanding of Jewish requirements and cultural practices related to death. In addition, the FBI participated in Misaskim’s school safety forum in November. Misaskim and the FBI have been working together for many months now to further enhance the FBI’s relationship with the Jewish community.

Towards the end of Monday’s meeting, Misaskim and the FBI agreed to work out several issues that will benefit members of the Jewish community. “Misaskim is very pleased with its positive interactions with the FBI,” said Rabbi Yanky Meyer of Misaskim. “One of our organization’s primary goals is to build bridges between the Jewish community and law enforcement agencies.”

(YWN World Headuarters – NYC)

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