Soon To Be Opened In Full: Completely Refurbished ‘Har Nof Mikvah’

After more than 30 years in service, the currently only Mikvah in Har Nof will soon open in full – in a completely renovated state.

The ‘old’ Mikvah, which is serving over 3000 families, was in complete state of dis-repair. Rabbi Nissan Kaplan, a resident of Har Nof and a Maggid Shuir in the Mir Yeshiva, together with a committee of dedicated community leaders, have been working on a volunteer basis, to find the funds to completely overhaul the Mikvah. It received the encouragement and blessings of all the neighborhood Rabbonim and from many Gedolei Yisroel as well. Designed by leading Mikvah architects, under the instructions of Rabbi Yechezkel Rosenberg from Beit Shemesh, (who has deigned and overseen the construction of Mikvaos around the country) the results have been stunning! After more than 2 years of renovations (without closing down for even one day) and close to $2M of investment of mostly US donors (with still $100K lacking), the Mikvah has become one of the most esthetically beautiful and especially Kosher Mikvahs in Eretz Yisroel.

It will soon house a total of 11 Mikvahs and 19 preparation rooms (part of them with a full bath, part with a shower only). The spacious Kalla preparation rooms with waiting lounge have been booked for weeks in advance by people from all over Yerushalayim and beyond.

People who have stopped using the Har Nof Mikva due to its state of neglect have returned and can’t stop letting the administration know how amazed they are by the renovations. Every little detail has been thought of, from the heated flooring to the relaxing music that plays throughout the Mikva. Today, many women have been coming from outside Har Nof so that they too can benefit from the modern new facility and all its amenities.

The Mikvah has already been visited by many other neighborhood representatives and Rabbonim to be used as a sample Mikvah.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. “currently only Mikvah in Har Nof…”
    Not completely accurate. Firstly, it should be mentioned the article is referring to the Mikva on 10 Rechov Agasi, next to the Zichron Yosef shul. True, this has been the only Mikva for WOMEN in Har Nof, BUT:
    * There are several men’s mikvas, among them at the Bostoner Shul, Imrei Sheffer, Vizhnitz, Chanichei Yeshivos on Brand. Many of these have Keilim mikvas as well.
    * There is construction underway for a new Women’s mikva on Rechov Brand, behind Beis Shlomo [Rav Geldzahler’s shul]. It is nearing completion.
    But yes, Kol HaKavod for the refurbishing of the 10 Agasi mikva, and may all the Mikvaos continue to grow & thrive!

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