Parnassah Expo To Be Held In Lakewood

“I got a job!,” “I got an employee!,” “My business is plowing ahead!,” are words that Lakewood resident Reb Dovid Honig has been hearing quite frequently in recent years. He is now on a mission to help members of the frum community utter them more often.

Two years ago, Lakewood resident Reb Dovid founded the revolutionary “Learn and Newtork” Kollel Zichron Mordechai Yosef that helps men progress in their quest to earn a parnassah in a Torah environment. He is now taking the revolution one step further by launching a major Parnassah Expo to be held on Sunday, February 26th in Bais Yaakov High School of Lakewood, located at 277 James Street. (Women’s hours 12:00-2:30; Men’s Hours 2:30 to 5:00.)

The Expo will serve as a unique new vehicle to help our community’s parnassah and will iy”H be followed by subsequent similar events. Job seekers, those looking to advance in their current job, business owners and heads of organizations and mosdos hachinuch will all find invaluable resources at the Expo. “I am reaching out to activists and businessmen from throughout the frum community world to participate in this endeavor,” says Mr. Honig. “It would be shame for anyone to miss out on this opportunity to be there for our community when they need us.”

Learn and Network’s proven track record is sure to make the Expo a smashing success, be”H, and mutually beneficial to everyone who participates.

In addition to a daily afternoon seder and structured shiurim, Learn and Network enables its members to network with each other in the parnassah field and hear informative lectures from, career coaches, business startup experts, and consultants and professionals within any given field. Various job placement and parnassah assistance organizations, including Professional Career Services (PCS), the Orthodox Union (OU) and the Emergency Parnassa Initiative (EPI) are affiliated with Learn and Network, whose members enjoy full access to their resources. Various Government and related entities, such as Ocean County College, the Urban Enterprise Zone (UEZ) and the Lakewood Resource and Referral Center (LRRC) have likewise partnered with the program.

Through networking, Kollel members have helped each other find jobs and begin business ventures. There is practically no field that hasn’t been occupied by the Kollel’s members, whether in the white collar or blue collar business world, or in chinuch and tzedaka organizations.

With these accomplishments in mind, Reb Dovid is arranging the Parnassah Expo. The Expo combines all of the business and organizational resources that Learn and Network has amassed –and significantly expanded upon them. “The more businesses and organizations that will be featured at the Expo, the more opportunity there will be for everyone,” says Mr. Honig.

Representatives from prominent corporations from across the Northeast, including Johnson and Johnson, along with dozens of small and midsize community businesses, will attend the Expo in search of new employees. Reb Dovid is aggressively recruiting additional professionals and businesses. Representatives of various headhunting corporations and employment agencies and organizations, will be present to help match up parnassah seekers with prospective employers and ventures. The event is being publicized throughout countless forums throughout the metropolitan area’s frum communities and highly qualified prospects from far and wide are expected to attend.

Other businesses that can help others, expand their own client base, and possibly even find employees, are welcomed to join in on the action.

Something for Everyone

The myriad booths and programs at the Expo have been meticulously arranged in an effective order, so that every attendee will get to interact with every resource that can be of help.

Section 1- Job Fair

The first section of the Expo will be a job fair, where various open positions, in both the business and chinuch worlds, will be posted and prospects will be able to pursue them.

Section 2- Headhunting and Employment

The second section will be comprised of the various headhunting corporations and employment organizations.

Section 3- Courses

The third section will feature representatives of various vocational programs who will discuss enrolling in courses and classes in a broad spectrum of fields, including COPE, TTi and computer graphics courses. Some of the courses featured will include professions that have, up until now, not been readily available to our community. In order to fill that void, Learn and Network’s has partnered with Ocean County College’s vocational institute to offer courses in electric, plumbing, automotive/HVAC repair and other blue collar professions in a special kosher setting.

Section 4- Business Resources

When you’re in the business world, there is always room for you to move up. At the Expo, there will be a vast selection of resources to help reach that goal for aspiring businessmen and veteran hands alike. The Expo’s final section will feature various professionals, including business consultants, attorneys and accountants, who will advise and help network in any way they can.

For more information, to sponsor or to reserve a booth, please call (732)987-7704 ext. 7237, email [email protected] or visit our website at

6 Responses

  1. This is a great idea and hopefully will result in many more frum young men and women finding opportunities to pursue a career that still allows some time for learning and family. The real challenge will be for the Lakewooh/BMG tzibur to become more open to the inclusion of secular education and college programs to give their children a real chance to earn a good parnassah.

  2. To all the employers out there that have positions available- you are doing a tremendous thing by joining this Expo! I spoke to many people that are planning on going and they are really counting on you! You will make a difference to them and they will make a difference for you!

    I hope every single Jewish Business out there that is looking to hire signs up right away!

  3. to mr laytzonay hador omrim
    if you can read through a article read
    Something for Everyone
    Section 4- Business Resources

    When you’re in the business world, there is always room for you to move up. At the Expo, there will be a vast selection of resources to help reach that goal for aspiring businessmen and veteran hands alike. The Expo’s final section will feature various professionals, including business consultants, attorneys and accountants, who will advise and help network in any way they can.

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