Misaskim Prevents Another Cremation

Misaskim received a phone call on its hotline from an individual who was calling in about a mes mitzvah situation. In fact, the niftar was already at a funeral establishment in Baltimore to be cremated. The caller identified the niftar as his coworker’s father who recently passed on. Unfortunately, the co-worker has not been in contact with her father and opted to for a cremation upon learning about his death. She chose to spread his ashes over the burial plot that her father had purchased in Saddlebrook, NJ.

Misaskim contacted the niftar’s daughter and she agreed to allow Misaskim to step in and provide her father with a Jewish burial. Misaskim volunteers worked to release the niftar from the funeral establishment in Baltimore.

PLEASE NOTE: This story has been updated due to an incorrect piece of information which was published in error.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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