Gov’t Advising Americans To Cut Down On Salt

The government is urging half the nation’s population to slash their salt intake to a little more than half a teaspoon daily. The new guideline is for people who are 51 and older, all African-Americans and anyone suffering from hypertension, diabetes or chronic kidney disease.

That group is most at risk of having higher blood pressure due to sodium intake.

For everyone else, the government recommends about a teaspoon a day. That amounts to 2,300 milligrams or about one-third less than the average person usually consumes.

Several large food companies have already introduced initiatives to cut sodium and introduced low-sodium alternatives, but it’s unclear if the industry will be able to cut enough to satisfy the new guidelines.

The Food and Drug Administration has said it will pressure companies to take voluntary action before it moves to regulate salt intake.

(Source: ABC News)

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