Fear In Jerusalem: Unvaccinated Teen Diagnosed With Polio

Illustrative. Young polio survivors at a special summer camp in Ramat Gan in 1954.; Arab-Israeli children are vaccinated for polio at a clinic in Jerusalem in 1988. (Photo: Ayalon Maggi/GPO)

Israel’s Health Ministry announced on Wednesday morning that a 17-year-old resident of Jerusalem who was not vaccinated against polio has been diagnosed with the serious virus.

The diagnosis was confirmed in the Health Ministry’s laboratory.

The statement said that the “Health Ministry’s Jerusalem district is continuing to carry out an epidemiological investigation to identify contacts and refer them for vaccination against polio if they are unvaccinated.”

“The main way to protect children from paralysis is through the inactivated polio vaccine,” the ministry stressed. “Additionally, to prevent the continued transmission of the virus, it is important to maintain hand hygiene.”

“Polio is a well-known virus that causes childhood paralysis which has been eradicated in many countries around the world thanks to safe and effective vaccines that have been available for decades. No child in the State of Israel in 2024 should suffer from childhood paralysis. A vaccinated child is a protected child.”

In March 2022, several cases of polio were identified in unvaccinated Israelis, and the Health Ministry launched a massive campaign to vaccinate children against the disease, including Rabbanim who signed letters calling on the public to get vaccinated.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Vaccination is required al pi halacha. Any family refusing to vaccinate is violating a very serious halachic requirement.

  2. Yeah….

    If it’s a un-vaccinated teen it’s called polio, if a vaccinated person gets it it’s called guillain barre paralysis syndrome (GBS)…
    Polio ‘like’ symptoms…
    ain’t it amazing as polio disappeared GBS started appearing ;-).

    YWN, keep up your compaign. Still remember you pushing the Covid shot, those who took the Vax didn’t have Covid they had ‘Covid like symptoms’.
    As with the flu…. ‘flu LIKE symptoms’, cant be the flu because the vaccine works..

    As for polio, polio it’s just another respiratory virus, and some rare rare individuals it could turn into poliomyelitis. When DDT was used polio turned into poliomyelitis, somehow magically after DDT was banned the polio vaccine saved the world and polio disappeared, with the exception of some cases which is now GBS (not polio….. It’s just acts, feels, behaves like it, oh and it’s unknown…..)

    do some research beyond the fed media paid by pharma so called news;-)

    How well timed to put heat not to confirm RFK. It’s a COINCIDENCE this article appearing all over JUST NOW…..

  3. A couple of facts that were left out of this article. Israel still gives their citizens the oral polio vaccine which is a live virus vaccine. It’s been banned from most countries because it’s known to spread polio rather than prevent outbreaks. In the past couple of decades, the only active cases of polio have been vaccine strain- meaning they were caused by the vaccine. Why hasn’t Israel done anything to ban the live polio vaccine?
    Most cases of polio virus is asymptomatic. It can cause paralysis in less than 1% of those who get it. Majority of polio cases make a full recovery. There are other viruses that can also cause paralysis but the media seems to focus solely on polio.

  4. I have no doubt that this is a scam, just as all of the other “polio” cases the past couple years in Jewish communities were government-sponsored hype to promote vaccination. I can say this because I personally investigated ALL of them.
    YWN, you wrote falsely when you said there were “several cases in March 2022 in unvaccinated Israelis” so the “Health Ministry launched a massive campaign to vaccinate children.”
    It was the other way around. The “several cases” were in truth 1 possible real case, caused by the live oral vaccine shedding, and 1 totally fake, made-up case. These “cases” were actually orchestrated. They were PART ONE of that “massive campaign to vaccinate children.”
    “Case” #1, Jerusalem, 2022: I spoke to the mother several months later. BH her daughter was already much better and doing well. Mother said her daughter had been infected by shedding from her preschool classmate’s live oral polio vaccine.
    “Case” #2, Jerusalem, (different neighborhood) 2022: I spoke to the mother, whose child was healthy and never had been sick at all. The child had gotten a GI workup about a month beforehand for minor digestive issues and had received a clean bill of health. When the Health Ministry discovered, after much pressuring through the pediatrician, that the child was unvaccinated, they immediately called the mother and told her the child had polio, and frightened her into giving both the live oral vaccine and the injected vaccine, that very day. When she raised the question that perhaps it was unsafe to vaccinate during an “illness,” they became angry.
    (I repeat, this child was healthy throughout the entire story.)
    The mother complied with orders and double-vaccinated this child and her other young ones. She only realized something was odd when the Health Ministry subsequently contacted her, wanting to obtain stool samples from her whole family. At this point, she obtained a lawyer, who requested the lab results from the Ministry of Health showing that the girl “had polio.” The MOH refused to provide this and backed off. Now it was clearly apparent that the entire story was a scheme. If she would have allowed MOH to obtain stool samples from her family, they would have been positive due to the live vaccine they had just received, and her family would have been used to create fear and promote vaccination in the entire community.
    “Case” #3, Monsey, 2023 This young man became sick after his Sheva Brachos but his entire unvaccinated family who had been in close contact with him remained healthy. Contrary to information widely spread, polio was never confirmed in him, because that requires two positive stool tests, and he only had one. The family received conflicting reports, with the doctor saying that he tested negative for polio but positive for Coxsackie virus, which she believed was the cause of his paralysis. The family got the definite feeling that the government was trying to use them as a “case” to promote fear and increase vaccination. The young man is happily recovered Baruch Hashem.
    “Cases” #4, Tzfas, 2023 Several children in Tzfas were widely reported to “have polio” – but my investigation with someone who lives in Tzfas turned up that THESE CHILDREN WERE ACTUALLY VACCINATED CHILDREN.

    There are many possible causes for paralysis, including poisoning from certain chemicals, adverse reactions to vaccines, and different illness. The medical establishment gives names to the paralysis according to their wishes. In a vaccinated child, paralysis may be called “acute flaccid myelitis,” or other convenient terms, but in an unvaccinated child, they will call it “polio,” and use it to create worldwide fear.

    What are their true motives????

  5. the antivaxxer nutbars take this very seriously, yet somehow, not one of them has any real medical training to back them up. their “research” is at google u. or maybe this is just “evolution in action”.

  6. What is the cause of these comments – is it hesaron in general studies so that people do not know biology or is it hesaron in their Jewish studies that they are not able to process information, ask relevant questions, use sevorah? For example, the long and undoubtfully sincere post above describing several unvaccinated families and blaming vaccines, other possible causes for their sicknesses?

  7. I work as a physician. Nearly everything said above against the polio vaccine is false. It would be if I, not a talmid chacham, were to google search halacha and argue on a real talmid chacham. Just as a google search does not make one a Torah scholar, neither does one make one a physician. Polio, smallpox, and MMR vaccines are miracles saving humanity from untold suffering. These are real and terrible diseases and the vaccines have been out for over a half century with very safe profiles. This is of course in contrast to Covid where for most people the virus is not very harmful but the risks of the vaccine are literally unknown as it’s only been out a short time.

    We should thank G-d every day that he instilled the saichel into those that created the polio, smallpox, and MMR vaccines. To the same extent we should thank those who were blessed to unleash prosperity through free markets, fossil fuels, and modern agriculture. The world is an impossibly better place because these things exist.

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