Health: Too Good to be True

If it’s too good to be true, it’s too good to be true.” One area where this always seems to apply, is in the area of weight loss. We are inundated daily with advertisements encouraging us to buy all kinds of devices, powders, books, DVDs and creams. For $9.99 you can have a flat stomach, look great, look 20 years younger, and find eternal happiness. The proof is in the dramatic “before” and “after” pictures. Americans spends a whopping 40 billion dollars each year on weight loss gimmicks, products and programs. And what a terrible investment that is since 97% of these people will gain back everything they have lost if not more after 2-3 years.

To avoid falling into the magic-wand trap, the experts at Sparkpeople have identified 12 key phrases to watch out for:

1. “It’s so easy to lose weight without dieting or exercising!”

2. “Eat whatever you want and still lose weight!”

3. “Lose weight forever…you’ll never need to diet again

4. “Block the digestion and absorption of fat, carbs, or calories

5. “Rapid weight loss: Lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks!”

6. “Finally, a weight loss formula for everyone!”

7. “Lose weight with this miracle diet patch, cream or gel!”

8. “Scientifically Proven! Doctor Endorsed!”

9. “Money-back guarantee!”

10. “100% safe!”

11. Those convincing testimonials:

12. “A miraculous breakthrough!”

If you hear any of these phrases, watch out! Essentially, none of the products being sold in this manner can possible work for long-term and permanent weight loss. Recently, someone came to our Lose It! nutritionist Elisheva Rosenberg and reported of spending 1,500 shekel on a popular and well advertised weight loss supplement only to have seen absolutely NO result. It hurts me to see so many people spend money they may not really have on products that do absolutely nothing. They may have a great hechsher, and maybe the health ministry deems them to be “safe” (they are, they won’t harm you in most cases–they will harm your wallet however) but they don’t work!

Here are some of my favorites: Hormone injections that have been proven in double blind studies to have no effect on weight loss coupled with a 500 calorie (nutrition depriving) daily diet. Body wraps that help you lose weight. Lotions and creams made out of natural extracts, and of course, there are all those protein shakes that don’t build muscle any more than eating a nice piece of grilled chicken or salmon.

So, how do we lose weight and keep it off? The answer has always been and will always be the same. Make a calculation as to what your resting metabolic rate is. See how much you need to eat in order to lose weight WITHOUT getting hungry or slowing your metabolism. Calories count! You can gain weight even if you eat healthy food. Add in the exercise and activity equation and you are all set. It is important from a perspective of health to include vegetables, fruits and whole grains in your eating and it is just as important to include monounsaturated fats and omega 3s. See a weight loss professional, such as a registered dietician and/or a personal trainer to get the initial food and exercise programs set so they are safe and effective. Remember that doing things that are radical in nature, such as liquid fasts, detox, very low calorie diets, very low carbs, very low protein, or eliminating any essential food group won’t help you and may even be harmful. Beware of “the diet” and beware of the gimmick. As Lose It! Weight Loss Center therapist Mrs. Linda Holtz tells her clients; “Diets are something you go on, until you go off. It isn’t permanent and it isn’t a way of life”.

These tempting shortcuts are certainly NOT your ticket to success. But here’s the good news! There really is a weight loss formula that works for just about everyone. And it really does work. Eating properly will not only promote weight loss, but getting proper nutrition will help you stay healthy and prevent the onset of many diseases. By including exercise, not only are you burning calories and raising your metabolism (to use more calories even while you are at rest), but the other benefits of exercise are endless, including preventing heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and not to mention it is good for your emotional well being. Yes, the process may take a while but slow and steady wins the race to permanent weight loss.

Eating right and balanced exercising will “add hours to your day, days to your year and years to your life.”

Alan Freishtat is an A.C.E. CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER and a LIFESTYLE FITNESS COACH with over 16 years of professional experience. He is the co-director of the Jerusalem-based weight loss and stress reduction center Lose It! along with Linda Holtz M.Sc. and is available for private consultations, assessments and personalized workout programs. Alan also lectures and gives seminars and workshops. He can be reached at 02-651-8502 or 050-555-7175, or by email at [email protected]

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