‘Painless’ Tooth Fillings Without Drilling To Make Dentist Trips Less Irksome

It is the sound that can make the toughest men moan and the calmest women weep. But the whine of the dentist’s drill could soon be silenced for good, according to researchers.
Scientists believe they have found the secret of a ‘completely painless’ filling by identifying a material which repairs decaying teeth – with no need for a drill.

Professor Jennifer Kirkham, who led the study at Leeds University’s Dental Institute, said: ‘The results that have now been analysed show there is a clear benefit, clear repair of those decayed lesions within a month of a single application of the material and the results are highly significant.’

The ‘filling without drilling’  method involves mimicking the conditions that promote the original growth of enamel.

Tooth enamel forms around protein molecules – and the scientists made their breakthrough by reproducing the natural protein in a liquid that can be painted on to a tooth.

Teeth start decaying when acids from mouth bacteria cause microscopic holes in enamel.

When the protein solution is applied to the tooth, it immediately soaks into these holes and forms a scaffold of protein where the enamel starts to regenerate. Within weeks, the enamel layer is restored.

A Swiss company has licensed the technology for tests worldwide, and it is hoped that it will be developed for widespread use in dental surgeries.

Professor Paul Brunton, from Leeds Dental Institute, said: ‘Patients are nervous of coming into the dentists. Only half of the population go on a regular basis because of they are nervous of having dental treatment.

‘So the fact that it is a completely painless treatment, I think will bring more patients into the care of dentists, which is a good thing.’

(Source: Daily Mail UK)

5 Responses

  1. Oh wow. As someone who has had one too many painful visits to the dentist, I would love to see this product in my dentist’s office!

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