Jews In London Advised To Be Careful As Riots Spread Throughout British Capital

Members of the Jewish community in Stamford Hill and Golders Greens,  two areas of North London, have been advised not to walk alone and to be careful when going to synagogue on Tisha B’Av as riots that began Saturday night in the north London neighborhood of Tottenham spread throughout the British capital. The area has gone on high alert

More than 450 people have been arrested since Saturday, when police shot an alleged drug dealer in Tottenham, which is comprised mainly of immigrant and second and third-generation immigrants.

British Police have urged store owners to close their establishments in Stamford Hill and Golders Greens as many store owners have emptied the contents of the stores.

According to reports, large groups of youths are walking through the Jewish area of Golders Green and started to riot. At least two stabbings were reported Monday night in Stamford Hill. Police have arrived in force and have arrested two people.

No synagogues have been reported damaged in the riots, though some Jewish-owned stores have been ransacked, according to the Jewish Chronicle weekly newspaper.

Following warnings from local rabbis and the Shomrim Orthodox security service, most members of the Jewish community stayed away from the riots, according to the British Jewish newspaper. They were advised that they could go to synagogue, however.

A representative from the Board of Deputies of British Jews joined a mulltifaith “vigil of hope” on Monday evening in Tottenham.

Some 300,000 Jews live in Britain, the great majority of them in the Greater London area. Other main centres of Jewish life are Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Gateshead and Glasgow.

(Source: EJP)

11 Responses

  1. According to mainstream press, the riots have absolutely nothing to do with Jews or anti-Semitism, and that Jews are no more affected than anyhone else in England (BTW, the riots are limited to England, the rest of Britain appears unaffected). YWN shouldn’t include headlines that imply a pogrom is occuring.

  2. Nothing happens by coincidence. Maybe Hashem has directed the events of the past month then the stock market plummet, these riots and fires to occur right before Tisha B’Av in order that our generation should experience a taste of what the day is all about.

  3. #2 you are reading it wrong. The title doesn’t not imply that riots are targeting jews. Read it more carefully. YWN did a good job.

  4. #2. this is turning a blind eye on history! this IS a time where anti semites do act out their bigotry in abundance! Yes, we are very concerned about our brethren in stamford hill. You should be concerned too. Our close relatives, (yiddin) are living there and we should be very concerned!

  5. #7: Great Britain is an island that includes England, Scotland, and Wales. The United Kingdom also includes Northern Ireland.

  6. all over exagerated i live in stamford hill and thing’s are normal besides the chain stores what are closed but only 1 attack in stamford hill yesterday on a betting shop besides that fine and safe to walk the streets

  7. hi “wassup”
    these is no need to show your ignorance. England is England, and Britain includes: Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, plus all the little islands.
    I don’t think the riots are anti semitic in particular, more that it is the same kind of people who are anti semitic and looters.
    I also think it is a massive chillul hashem that bochurim can be clearly seen on BBC looting, can I remind you that this is pure ganeiva and these is more money in bank robbing.

  8. Can someone explain to me why a group of Yidden in Chassidish garb had nothing better to do on Motzoi Shabbos Chazon, but to go to Tottenham to view the riots. In case there is any doubt, I saw them on the BBC News on teh internet. I suppose that the saving grace was that they left their Shtramels at home. All that needed to happen was for some of the yobs to spot them and turn on these mindless individuals. What was there to gain by seeing the yobs for themselves? Were they there to learn some musser as how not to behave? You do not need to go to riots for that. You see it in the streets every day.

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