EXCLUSIVE: Blood Tests Reveal 5th Drug Was Given To Leiby Kletzy Before Being Killed

FIRST REPORT 11:45AM EST: The NYC Medical Examiner has added another drug to the list of those given by Levi Aron, before murdering 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky A”H.

Results from tests taken just after the murder have returned this morning, and reveal that the drug “Duloxetine” was given to Leiby, in addition to the previous four drugs which were released in the indictment.

Duloxetine is used to treat depression and generalized anxiety disorder, and also goes by the name “Cymbalta”.

The blood tests which showed this new information were sent to an outside lab, and takes a few weeks to get results.

Leiby’s cause of death, according to the Medical Examiner, was intoxication followed by smothering. Some of the earlier drugs which authorities said were given include: Cyclobenzaprine, a muscle relaxant; quetiapine, an anti-psychotic drug; and hydrocodone.

Once again, the Medical Examiner showed extreme sensitivity in releasing this information. They attempted to reach the family and inform them of this development before it became public information, but were unable to contact them – since it is Tisha B’av morning. They in turn reached out to the Misaskim Organization who contacted the family in a very sensitive manner.

To donate to the Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund, click here.

To donate to the Sefer Torah being written in memory of Leiby Kletzy, click here.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

16 Responses

  1. Who prescribed all these drugs to Levi Aron? Why havent we heard from the person treating Levi Aron about what he was being treated for and the gravity of Levi Aron’s issues and illness? There should be focus on that.

  2. #1: The person treating Levi Aron is bound by strict patient confidentiality laws. It is illegal for a medical provider to discuss a patient’s case including specifically the diagnosis and treatment.

  3. Ofcourse: You haven’t heard from the person treating Aron because medical privacy laws prohibit him from revealing any information. And why do you care anyways?

  4. And one more piece of information comes to light. The drugs alone should have been enough to kill such a small kid. They are not recommended for children and all those drugs at once would have killed him. Do not be surprised as more information will be revealed at trial.

  5. While it is not allowed for the doctor/pharamcy to discuss with the public which drugs were given and why, that changes at a trial since the defendant’s lawyer will probably present the matter as evidence of mental illness. The fact that the defendant has possession of such drugs suggests the issue in the case is severe mental illness, and not the sex-crazed serial killer that the press has been leading us to believe. So unless the District Attorney works out a plea bargain, it will all be public at the trial.

  6. People want to know because it distracts them from the fact that a retzichah was able to take place “in our camp.” Whether the murderer was Jewish or not, whether his was observant or not, whether he
    was insane, depressed, schizophrenic or not, are all distractions from the real message. We were all affected by this. We were all part of the gezeirah as evidenced by the fact we all got involved.

  7. Folks, please understand that according to the HIPPA laws it is unlawful to any health professional (any kind of doctor) to divulge any of his/her patient’s medical information. It’s a catch-22. On one hand law abiding citizens are protected on the other hand nuts like this guy are protected. So, who wins??!!!

  8. Should the doctor, whoever he or she was, who prescribed a myriad of mind altering drugs have had reason to think A.L. was a risk on the streets?

    Im stunned that a guy who had this many drugs prescribed and available, was able to function at work.

  9. Did it accur to anyone that AL got the drugs illegally and that although we know he’s crazy, he wasn’t prescribed this medications?

  10. “I’m stunned that a guy who had this many drugs prescribed and available, was able to function at work.”

    Just a guess, and I’m not a doctor or medical professional, but I suppose the drugs are prescribed in order to make the person able to function at work.

  11. Ofcourse says:
    “Should the doctor, whoever he or she was, who prescribed a myriad of mind altering drugs have had reason to think A.L. was a risk on the streets?”

    Let’s say he thought the guy was a risk, so what, what could he do about it? They stopped commiting mentally ill years ago. Are you still watching “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest”? You can only commit s/o if they are a danger to themselves or to others. Mr. Aron never demonstrated such behavior here.

  12. Mentally ill people live in the community. Organizations like NAMI(Nat’l Assn for Mentally Ill) lobby for their independence. Unfortunately, these individuals have no community support system to help them. If they do not take their mnedications ( which is common) their family and friends (if they have either of them) has no power to force them into the hospital, until they commit a crime. And then they go to jail. If only there had been a community system to connect with this individual, on a daily basis, this might have been averted….

  13. We have to first ask, how old are these drugs? Were they recently prescribed or from years ago and are stale-dated by now. The shrink will be known to us soon enough when he is called to the stand – as he is the key player in this trial. The defense is building a case based on his shrink’s diagnosis. I DON’T KNOW HOW THEY SLEEP AT NIGHT!

    It doesn’t make sense that an insane person would be able to keep the same job for years and years. From what I read, his boss stated that he was a good worker who kept to himself and didn’t socialize with the other workers. Statistically, insane people are not able to hold the same job for years and years. Maybe he had temporary insanity at one point – maybe after his 2nd divorce – and this is why he was prescribed these drugs. However, all these maybe’s and if’s will be known in the trial.

  14. #1 asks why haven’t “we” heard more info? Maybe the relevant parties (police, prosecutors etc.) HAVE – just because it didn’t appear on YWN…

  15. ofcourse:

    “Im stunned that a guy who had this many drugs prescribed and available, was able to function at work.”

    what makes him different than 70% of the work force? do you realize how many people (both blue & white collar) have a few drinks during their lunch break?

  16. #9,
    Another possibility is that these drugs were prescribed to someone else living in A.L.’s house, whose apartment he had easy access to…which could account for why he himself is considered competent to stand trial.

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