Boehner Wants Geithner Out At Treasury

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) wants Timothy Geithner to resign as secretary of the Treasury, according to an aide to the GOP leader.

Boehner has called on Geithner to step down before, but an aide to Boehner reaffirmed Saturday morning that the Speaker wants Geithner to leave.

Other prominent Republicans have called on Geithner to step down in the wake of the Standard & Poor’s decision Friday to downgrade the nation’s credit rating from AAA to AA+.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), the Tea Party star running for president, called for Geithner’s ouster during an appearance on Fox News.

“I call on the president to seek the immediate resignation of Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and to submit a plan with his list of cuts to balance the budget this year, turn the economy around and put our people back to work,” she told Fox’s Greta Van Susteren.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a co-founder with DeMint of the Senate Tea Party Caucus, also called for Geithner to step aside.

“We must get new leadership, and put in place people who have seen problems coming and offered credible solutions, rather than those who continue to misdiagnose and mismanage our economy,” Paul said Saturday.


5 Responses

  1. They should be careful what they wish for. The policy questions are addressed by the President and the Congress, not the Secretary, so it doesn’t make that much difference.
    Obama is likely to appoint someone radically to the left of Geithner (who is a career civil service bureaucrat, non-partisan, who worked well with the Bush administration people).

  2. If all my friends and neighbors on Main Street have given up on that Hope and Change, perhaps Change is our only Hope. Praise the L-rd and pass the Tea-amunition.

  3. why are they complaining? this is what they wanted to accomplish; now that they’ve done it they want to cover themselves

  4. #2 – let’s start a campaign to renounce government handouts and pork (see how far that gets us). Don’t worry, it’s not just the frum community.

    Actually, WORRY! – it’s not just the frum community that’s addicted to getting something for nothing from the public fisc.

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