Reports: Corzine Being Eyed As Possible Replacement For Geithner

Former New Jersey governor Jon Corzine may be looking at a new job in Washington.

He’s reportedly being eyed as a possible replacement for Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

That’s if Geithner leaves before the end of President Obama’s first term.

Corzine is former chairman of Goldman-Sachs and now works at the investment firm MF Global.

A spokesman for Corzine dismissed the talk of replacing Geithner, calling it “idle speculation.”

(Source: WCBSTV)

3 Responses

  1. If he does as well at the Treasury, as he did at New Jersey, this might be a very good time to buy a bear fund and to short the dollar (of course, if he thinks the Treasury is a giant hedge fund he might be acclaimed as the reincarnation of Alexander Hamilton if he doesn’t get impeached)

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