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Hundreds Stop Work At WTC Site Amid Contract Dispute

About 200 laborers stood down from their jobs for a second day Tuesday at the World Trade Center site as part of a citywide work stoppage over contract disputes and the use of nonunion workers.

The stoppage spared the 9/11 Memorial, however. Workers have been racing to complete it ahead of scheduled ceremonies to mark the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks a little more than a month away.

The Concrete Workers District Council, whose members have been without a contract since July 1, declined to comment. But some of the workers who stood or sat in a large group around a plaza agreed to discuss their concerns.


2 Responses

  1. Wow, how embarassing.
    Not only does it take 10 YEARS to build a memorial to our victims of the largest teror attack in our history, but even when they finally get around to it, they’re still fighting.
    No wonder why other countries are laughing at us.

  2. Here we go again, if anyone remembers when the Twin towers were first going up the unions leaders took off the facade and showed their true selves as gangsters, hold up a major project so that the unions can make more money, cause more cost overruns they should be thankful that they are working, given the state of the construction industry, but no, they want more and more and then wonder why the US has sent all the jobs overseas.
    Unions and communist have the same agenda to exploit the workers.

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