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PHOTOS: Misaskim Volunteers Do Another Sweep At Leiby Kletzky Murder Scene

[PHOTO LINK IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] On Tuesday, July 26th, the NYPD was readying to wrap up their nearly two-week-long investigation at the Levi Aron house on East 2nd Street. Before they prepared to turn the house back over to its owners, the NYPD reached out to Misaskim’s Disaster and Recovery team to come down to the home for another sweep to ensure kavod haniftar.

“The NYPD’s sensitivity to our community and to the family is truly remarkable,” said one volunteer at the scene. “They will do their utmost to accommodate despite the intense activity here as they prepare to leave the crime scene.”

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

Misaskim immediately dispatched the same volunteers who were at the scene when the discovery was made in the wee hours on July 13th. These volunteers also spent that day at the Medical Examiner’s office working alongside the coroners to make certain that the proper kavod h’achron was given to Leiby a”h and that the levaya would still take place that day. Misaskim volunteers have undergone the necessary training that enables them to preserve kavod hames in these tragic circumstances.

Misaskim would publicly like to once again thank the NYPD for their support and understanding. The volunteers are deeply grateful for their ongoing positive relations with the NYPD.

It is Misaskim’s sincerest hope that that Klal Yisroel be shielded from any more suffering and pain in the future.


2 Responses

  1. Thank You Misaskim you trully epitomize Achdus always being there for all. Which is something we should all continue to practice from this horrible tragic story in memory of Libe

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