Silver Urges Cuomo to Sign Bill of Livery Cabs Pick Up in Outer Boroughs

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver urged Gov. Cuomo to sign a bill allowing livery cars to pick up street hails in the outer boroughs.

Silver said the proposal would lead to better service and pump as much as $1 billion in needed revenue into the cash-strapped city’s coffers.

“I’d hate to see firehouses closed and teachers laid off” if the livery bill is not enacted, Silver said.

The bill has not yet been sent to Cuomo for his consideration.

The holdup stems from discussions over possible amendments to mandate GPS tracking and other enforcement measures to ensure livery cabs don’t encroach on yellow cab turf.

(Source: NY Daily News)

One Response

  1. Who cares if the livery cabs encroach on yellow cab turf? Why should yellow cabs have an advantage over their competitors?

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