Levi Aron Overdosed Leiby Kletzky [UPDATED]

12:15PM EST: [UPDATE IN EXTENDED ARTCLE] A highly credible source tells YWN that the cause of death in the murder of Leiby Kletzky A”H, was overdose.

The source tells us that Levi Aron reportedly overdosed Leiby of four different medications prior to suffocating him.

This information is going to be released in a report by the office of the NYC Medical Examiner, and will be used in the indictment by Kings County Charles Hynes.

UPDATE FROM NY DAILY NEWS 1:00PM EST: The NYC Medical Examiner has ruled that Leiby Kletzky was given a cocktail of drugs and then R”L smothered to death

The 8-year-old boy had traces of a muscle relaxer, anti-psychotic medicine, a pain-killer and Tylenol in his blood, the city medical examiner said.

After he was drugged, the boy was smothered, the tests showed.

Aron may be indicted Wednesday in the murder of the Borough Park boy, who was abducted on July 11 as he walked home from summer camp, law enforcement sources say.

Officials have not revealed the time the boy was killed.

Kletzky’s parents marked the end of their seven-day grieving period Wednesday morning with a religious tradition of walking outside their Brooklyn home.

Nachman and Esty Kletzky, surrounded by relatives, walked around their block at 15th Ave. in Borough Park at about 6 a.m.

“It’s a sign that your escorting the soul to its resting place,” said Jack Meyer, of Misaskim, an organization that provides services to grieving families.

About 9:40 a.m., Misaskim workers carried prayer books, folding chairs, portable air-conditioners and a podium out of the Kletzkys’ home.

Meyer said little Leiby’s mourning parents now face a tougher challenge.

“They have had thousands of people who came to show them moral support,” he said. “Now the trying time starts. They’re all alone. … Now they’ve got to cope with it on their own.”

(Source: NY Daily News)

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

17 Responses

  1. Laiby Kletsky—A Wake-up Call for Klal Yisroel!

    Rav Avigdor Miller, ZT”L, Revealed The Terrible Secret

    At a Chol Hamoed Succos Asifa in the Bais Yaakov of Borough Park many years ago, Rav Avigdor Miller, ZT”L, made a rare public appearance, together with the Skulener Rebbe and the Debrecener Rov, to warn the community that they were in grave danger.

    Rav Miller warned—prophetically—that many of our short-sighted community leaders are trading our spiritual and physical safety for a mess of pottage, as the Torah states:

    “If we sell out our moral values, G-D will leave our camp unprotected.”

    Our very public political support for candidates who are promoting unlimited abortion and the legitimization of the worst kinds of immorality and perversion, in exchange for easy access to Government programs and money, is causing G-D to cease protecting us and our children.

    The political “tumlers” dismiss Rav Miller’s words, claiming that “It’s none of our business—These things don’t happen in our community!”

    The political “Tumlers” are wrong—dead wrong!

    Over the last few years, we have heard more and more instances of terrifying attacks on our children in our very own community by Toeva Predators. Our failure to heed the warnings of this Godol is coming back to haunt us.

    Rav Moshe Wolfson once remarked that, when moral degeneracy spreads through society, it spiritually pollutes the very air we breathe. It exerts an influence on us and our children, even when we are not exposed to it directly.

    We alienate G-d and, thereby, endanger our community when we publicly honor politicians who promote the worst kinds of perversion—Bloomberg, Cuomo, Quinn, Schumer, Silver, Weiner, Weprin—at our public gatherings, and in our newspapers and magazines.

    And, so, we are forced to suffer the tragedy of Laiby Kletzky, Z”L, an innocent eight-year old child who was brutally butchered by one of these politically-protected perverts in our very own community—WAKE UP YIDDEN!

  2. I know from experience the effect of those meds An overdose of Tylenol will make one lethargic especially together with the other stuff. Quetiapine (Seroquel) will put a Grown man to sleep until he gets used to it and vicodin is a relaxant. In all probability if Leiby was conscious at all when he was killed he didn’t know what was going on

  3. when i see that anti-psychotic medicine was involved then hold youre horses and slow down . to have such medication you need to be sick to have to take it.

  4. Even so. If he was psychotic but was taking medication for it he’ll have a hard time showing he’s not criminally liable. I hope the police were smart enough to do a toxicology report on the perp and see if he had the anti-psychotics in his system.

  5. Yosse, there are literally millions of people in the US (Millions!) on anti-psychotic medications. Unless you want to give millions of Americans permission to kill, you can’t say just because they are taking anti-psychotics that they are too insane to know right from wrong and therefore can claim an insanity defense.

  6. Here is the insanity of the “Insanity Defense:”

    You have to be insane to do such an insane thing, therefore you should go to hospital, be trateted by a psychiatrist, and then go free when you’re “Cured!”

    I think the Torah approach is much more sane: During an epedemic of murder, kill all murderers, even child murderers–period!

    “Hamerachem Al Ha-raim, Sofo Le’Hisachzor Al Hatovim!”–He who has mercy on the criminals, has no mercy on the victims!

  7. if you think i’m wrong , please tell me what happened to john hinkly . the courts have ruled now that he should be able to have unsupervised leaves from his mental hospatil.
    true this was a very graphic and barberous crime , all the defense has to do is convince a few people that he was insane , and trust me with the people they put on a jury today it will not be hard

  8. “This is good news for the prosecution.”

    I’m not so sure. Levi’s defense could claim that the overdoses were accidents; acetaminophen can be toxic at relatively mild overdoses. I’m getting sick just thinking of the possibilities.

    As soon as I get back from Europe I’m signing up to learn for Leiby.

  9. Mods,
    Please remove deepthinker’s hateful post. He and Levin’s opinions have no place on a Jewish website.

  10. #3 Deepthinker – to be honest I believe that the biggest problem we are facing today are people that somehow claim to know the hidden reasons behind things that happen (I assume through כח הנבוע). I was recently at the לוויה of one of our Gedolim and a young lady I know told me that a someone stopped her on the streets and told her that the reason why the Gedolim are passing away is because of girls like her that don’t have their hair up in a ponytail. (BOY, that makes A LOT of sense!)

    If you have a complaint about politics, by all means state your opinion. However, you are doing an incredible injustice to Klal Yisrael by trying to be the Navi HaDor and reveal the hidden reasons why something happened. I’m sure that if you had to swear on your life that this young boy’s tragic death was the results of how we vote at that voting booth (meaning that if you are wrong you DIE), you’d be hard pressed to stand by your views! Thus, my advice is to either state your feelings as a “suggestion” (instead of fact) or keep quiet! (סיג לחכמה שתיקה)

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