LIVE WEBCAST: Chai Lifeline Schedules Four Symposia For Entire Community To Help Deal With Recent Tragedy


As we all suffer from the terrible tragedy that occurred with Leiby Kletzky, A”H, Chai Lifeline is offering four symposia (three are tonight) open to the whole community. These symposia will address the Hashkafik approach to crisis, understanding the process of trauma within ourselves and our children, and practical suggestions for safety in the future. This will be followed by a question-and-answer session. Locations are for men and women: Separate seating.

Additionally, the Flatbush event will be webcast on the Internet, and there will be an audio call in for Flatbush symposium at the Chazak hotline 718.258.2008 /9/9. and the Boro Park symposium at Kol Mevaser 212.444.1100 /2/2

Monday Evening July 18, 2011
Three Locations: Boro Park, Flatbush & Teaneck, NJ

Yeled V’Yalda, 1257 38th Street

Divrei Chizuk:
Kosover Rebbe, shlita
Harav Yechiel Meir Katz
Dziboi Rebbe, Shlita – Rav of Tefilah L’Moshe in Montreal
Coping With the Trauma:
Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Klar
Director of Outreach, Chai Lifeline’s Project
CHAI (Chizuk, Healing and Intervention)

Safety After Tragedy:
A special message from the NYPD

Young Israel of Flatbush, 1012 Avenue I

Divrei Chizuk:
Rabbi Moshe Tuviah Lieff,
Rav, Agudah of Avenue L

Helping Yourself and Your Child Cope With Tragedy:
Dr. Norman Blumenthal
Director of Chai Lifeline’s Project CHAI
(Chizuk, Healing and Intervention)

Children’s Safety for the Future:
Dr. David Pelcovitz
Straus Professor of Psychology & Education,
Azrieli Graduate School, Yeshiva University

Young Israel of Teaneck, 868 Perry Lane

Monday, July 18, 7:45pm

By Elie Y. Katz and Yitz Stern

Special Message:
Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin
& Police Chief Robert A. Wilson

Helping Yourself And Your Child Cope With Tragedy:
Rabbi Dr. David Fox
Forensic and clinical psychologist, Beverly Hills, CA. Graduate school professor. USC faculty member and noted trauma specialist. Member of Chai Lifeline’s Project CHAI

Vital Importance Of Child Safety Awareness; For The Child And The Parent:
Debbie Fox, LCSW
Director Aleinu Family Resource Center, Jewish Family Services LA Authored “The Safety Kid Program” and “Safety Kid on the Net”


White Shul, Congregation Kneseth Israel
728 Empire Ave, Far Rockaway

Divrei Chizuk:
Rabbi Eytan Feiner
Rav, White Shul, Congregation Kneseth Israel

Helping Yourself and Your Child Cope With Tragedy:
Dr. Norman Blumenthal
Director of Chai Lifeline’s Project CHAI
(Chizuk, Healing and Intervention)

Children’s Safety for the Future:
Dr. David Pelcovitz
Straus Professor of Psychology & Education,
Azrieli Graduate School, Yeshiva University

Sponsored through Interborough Agency – The Flatbush symposium is in conjunction with MASK.

Other community forums are being planned.

HaMakom yenachem ha’mishpacha ha’nichbada b’soch she’ar aveilei Tzion v’Yerushalayim.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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