Levaya For Leiby Kletzky A”H Scheduled For 8:30PM [UPDATED]

There are many emails being sent around regarding the Levaya of Leiby Kletzky A”H, all with incorrect times. YWN has spoken with the Misaskim Organization, who has been tasked with coordinating the Levaya along with the NYPD, and they state that the Levaya will take place at 8:30PM on 16th Avenue and 56th Street.

Besuros Tovos.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

15 Responses

  1. B”H the body has been released by the ME office, now at least the family will be able to say Kaddish for this holy Neshema. No one explain the why this young Tzadik was taken from us, but let his passing be a segulah for Moshiach, Ad Motzai, H”B we cannot take it anymore you took from us in recent weeks Three Gedolim and now this! H”B bring all of Klal Yisrael a Yeshua we want Moshiach NOW.

  2. 56th Street and 16th Avenue is the vicinity of the Congregation that the Kletzky family frequents for daily and holiday davening. The congregation has a wonderful Rabbi who the followers are lucky to have as their Rabbi, mentor, friend and someone who is available to the congregants 24/7 for whatever reason.

  3. Lets Show Leiby The proper Kavod!!!
    Everyone MUST be by Levaya!!
    Lets get over 100,000 peolpe there!
    make it your “status” on your BB
    After such a Bizayoin Hames – We will show Leiby and the family that they are NOT alone!!

  4. BD”H the levaya of Hayeled yehuda (leibi) ben R Nachman Kletzky will take place @ 8:30pm tonight in front of beis hamedrash Heichal Hatfillah on 56th st. bet 16 and 17th ave. Bsorores toives!

  5. BD”H the levaya of Hayeled Yehuda (Leibi) ben R Nachman Kletzky will take place @ 8:30pm tonight in front of beis hamedrash Heichal Hatfillah on 56th st. bet 16 and 17th ave. 1750 56th Street Yeshia Tiferes Elimelech building formerly Kamenitz

  6. Is there a levaya one can listen to over the phone line or on this website? I live out of town but I’d be interested in hearing divrei chizuk about this incident. We were all affected by this tragic story!

  7. I still suggest that two knives with black handles be put in Leiby’s hands, the blades in his palms and the handles sticking up. This is an ancient minhag practised throughout Germany and Poland, and enables the victim to take revenge against his murderer.

  8. It rained late this afternoon as a cold front came thru the western suburbs. As is “normal” when it rains about 90 minutes before sh’kiyah followed by sunshine, there was something in the sky over NYC, which sends us yet another message. T’shuva is a must!

  9. Does anyone know the families address or phone number? I know people who would love to write and them their condolences. Its important to show them that klal yisrael are with them in this tragic time.

  10. Does anyone know the families address or phone number? I know people who would love to write and give them their condolences. Its important to show them that klal yisrael are with them in this tragic time.

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