LATEST DEVELOPMENTS: Leiby Kletzky Spotted On Multiple CCTV Cameras [UPDATED WITH IMAGE 7:55PM]

5:05PM EST (Tuesday): [UPDATES IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Highly credible sources tell YWN that 9-year-old Leiby Kletzky has been spotted on CCTV footage walking on 44th Street in the area of 14th Avenue, after 5:00PM on Monday evening. We are also being told that there may be additional footage with Leiby in it. NYPD Detectives are in possession of the footage.

Based on this latest development, Shomrim Coordinators have decided to leave the Mobile Command Center at the current location of 15th Avenue and 57th Street.


Additionally, there are many false rumors going around. They are nothing more than that: False rumors.

YWN was the first to report this incident Monday night, and we will continue to bring you the most accurate information possible.

Hundreds and hundreds of volunteers are arriving from the Catskills, Lakewood, Monsey and other areas to assist in the search.

UPDATE 5:30PM EST: The additional footage mentioned earlier, shows Leiby walking on 44th Street near 17th Avenue, heading towards Dahill Road.

UPDATE 5:35PM EST: is reporting that the NYS Alert website has issued a “missing child alert”.

UPDATE 7:24PM: The NYPD Chief of Department Joseph Esposito is on the scene, as well as Chief Fox, Chief Banks, and many other senior NYPD Brass. Additionally, dozens of police officers are still arriving to assist. See the photos taken moments ago at

UPDATE 7:55PM: [Click on the image to the left to ENLARGE] This is an additional image taken from video footage on 44th Street. The video shows Leiby walking at 5:27PM (Monday) on 44th Street towards Dahill Road. Detectives and people who know the child have watched the footage have confirmed that it is him. Footage taken three minutes later shows him at Wheels To Lease (at the corner of Dahill and 45th Street) speaking to someone – in what appears to be asking for directions and walkiing back towards Dahill Road.

 Police are now trying to continue down the route and trying to find security cameras that may show where he went after that.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

13 Responses

  1. CCHF If Chas V’Shalom, the missing boy is not found by 10:45 PM EDT, there will be a special Tehillim Teleconference
    Please call the Chazak Inspiration Line at 718-258-2008 prompt 9 and then 9, to join the Tehillim Teleconference at 10:45 PM for

    Yehuda ben Ita Esther (Leiby) Kletzky.

    We hope that B’ezras Hashem, he will be found by that time.

  2. The correct name according to the boy’s yeshiva is Yehuda ben Ita Esther. Please daven and say tehillim and NO loshon hara in his name.

  3. why was he heading in that direction? does his father work somewhere in that direction? or does he have family out there? did his parents tell shomrim were he was supposed to meet his mother?

  4. in this picture, he’s walking so close to the edge of the block. i hope nobody from inside a car kidnapped him. a warning to all children (and adults for that matter) – don’t walk so close to parked or stopped cars. you never know if someone is inside waiting to attack.

  5. Why was he heading in that direction? For the definitive answer, we’ll have to ask him that when he is found, bezras hashem really soon.

    Remember, he is 9. He probably lived his entire life in a 5 block radius with one street looking just like the next one. His daily routine is to get on a bus and go home. On this day, the routine changed. Perhaps he got on a bus and got right back off a few block away from the day camp and his bearings were thrown off. Perhaps he walked east instead of west. Perhaps he asked someone for directions and they gave him the wrong directions. Perhaps he asked for 13th street instead of 13th ave. Lots of maybes. Foolish to speculate. Best to concentrate on finding him. I’m headed home from work and after quick bite and change of clothes am planning on heading out to the command center to volunteer in the search. I freely admit though, its a heck of a lot easier to armchair quarterback.

  6. What a terrible story, we all need to remind our children never to trust anyone they don’t personally know, even if – especially if – they are dressed like Orthodox jews. It’s not like people who are out to do harm will wear a keffiya before trying to entice kids to follow them, and their faces aren’t necessarily “looking wrong”; viceversa, can you imagine a real jew asking for help or whatever, and picking of all people a 8-yr-old? In a jewish neighbourhood he could not find an adult? A kid must always beware in such situations. But one can see already from the photo that was circulated, that this is a very holy boy and a very gentle and respectful one, it breaks my heart to even think about it. Please in his name, let’s tell our kids to be careful.

  7. Anybody who has video surveillance around their house or business – even if you don’t live in BP – should look at it.
    May the Aibeshter return this boy safely to his parents soon.

  8. Please try to see if we can improve in some area of tznius or emunah. It should be a zechus to bring a speedy yeshuah.

  9. I received this in an email:

    “9 year old boy never came home from day camp today in Boro Park. Brooklyn residents are asked to take a few minutes to go outside, check their yards, driveways and blocks for the missing boy. If possible, Shomrim requests that people be sent to search the SHULS as well, PARTICULARLY THE BATHROOMS. Boy answers to the name Leibby and was wearing a grey and light blue striped shirt, navy pants, black sneakers and black glasses when he was last seen. He has light brown hair.

    Also, please take a minute to:
    a) say Tehillim for Yehuda ben Esther and
    b) forward this to your contacts.”

    I posted this because of the advice it gives to check shuls and particularly bathrooms. There are also other places this child may have stayed for the night. All options should be looked into.

  10. I would hope the police go to the Wheels to Lease place and ask some questions, like – what did the boy ask, what info was he given, where did he head to when he left.

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