22 HOURS LATER: No Sign Of Leiby – Shomrim Desperate For Volunteers As Reward Raised To 100K [PHOTOS]

[PHOTO LINK BELOW] Thousands have been searching for nine-year-old boy Leiby Kletzky who never returned home from Boyan Day Camp yesterday. Dozens of NYPD detectives are going after any possible leads, but as we pass 22 hours since he was last seen, there is unfortunately no good news for YWN to report.

Shomrim are reaching out to the community for their assistance. They are looking for volunteers to join the search effort this afternoon (Tuesday) at 5:00PM. If you are available, please go to the mobile command center 57th Street and 15th Avenue.

The community’s elected officials have taken action to emphasize how important this search is.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind has offered a $5,000 reward. Councilman David Greenfield closed his office today so that his staff could partake in search efforts. Greenfield’s staff have also been working with the Councilman’s contacts in the Catholic and Asian communities in Boro Park and Bensonhurst to circulate photos of the missing child.

Additionally, YWN has learned that the reward amount being offered for information leading to the return of Leiby Kletzky has been raised to $100,000.

Anyone with information is urged to immediately contact the police desk at 718-851-5641 or the Shomrim at 718-871-6666.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Shimon Gifter for YWN.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. Why is he referred to as “Leiby” – a Jewish name if his Yiddishe name is Yehuda. Is it only “Yehuda b. Ita Esther”? Is anyone sure this is the correct name to daven for?

  2. Yehuda is symbolized by a lion, or Leib in Yiddish. Yehuda, however, is his name.

    But what is the rest of the story?

  3. leib and ari or arye (lion) are yiddish versions of yehuda which is his official name. Everyone should take some tehillim or say the special ten chapters which are mesugal in times of need: tes zayin, lamed beis, mem alef, mem beis, nun tes, ayin zayin, tzadee, kuf hay, kuf lamed zayin and kuf nun.

  4. Have there been any leads or updates at all?!? They keep talking about the rewards and the volunteers, but have they had anything at all to work with?

  5. The correct name according to the boy’s yeshiva is Yehuda ben Ita Esther. Please daven and say tehillim and NO loshon hara in his name.

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