Community Leaders Offers $35k Reward; Greenfield Closes Office So Staff Can Search For Missing Boy [UPDATED]

[SEE UPDATE BELOW] Our community’s elected officials sprung into action this morning to assist in the effort for the safe return of nine-year-old boy Leibby Kletzky who never returned home from Boyan Day Camp located at 44th Street between 12th and 13th Avenues after camp ended yesterday. The boy was last seen on surveillance footage at 13th Avenue until 50th Street.

According to published reports, Leibby was last seen wearing “a grey and light blue striped shirt, navy pants, black sneakers and a knapsack bearing the words “Nechmod Day Camp” at the time of his disappearance.”

YWN confirmed this morning that a total of $25,000 in reward money was being offered for information leading to the return of Leibby Kletzky. Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who offered $5,000 of that $25,000 reward, explained, “This is every parent’s and every community’s worst nightmare. Anyone with credible information of Leibby’s whereabouts should immediately contact the authorities.”

NYC Councilman David Greenfield gave his staff the day off to assist in the search for the missing boy.

“As the father of young children, I couldn’t sleep last night when I heard the news. I spent the night on the phone working to ensure that the NYPD had all the resources to search for Leibby,” explained Greenfield. “This kind of rare event is a tragedy not just for the Kletzky family but for the entire community. Rest assured, this is a top priority for the NYPD who has told me that they are using every tool at their disposal to find Leibby.”

Greenfield’s staff will be heading over to the Shomrim command center at 15th Avenue and 57th Street. Greenfield encouraged anyone that is available today to do the same, “I want to thank the NYPD and the hundred of volunteers who spent the night searching for Leibby. The achdus of the community is remarkable. Especially the amazing volunteer work of Shomrim, Hatzolah, Chaverim and Misaskim,” concluded Greenfield.

Anyone with information is urged to immediately contact the police desk at 718-851-5641 or the Shomrim at 718-871-6666.

UPDATE: Chaim Deutsch, founder of the Flatbush Shomrim has just informed YWN, that a resident of Flatbush has just pledged an additional $10,000 to the existing reward.


14 Responses

  1. The boy they thought was Leiby kletzky on the video from 13th and 50th turned out not to be him, as confirmed by his parents. So the actual last sighting was the video that caught him leaving day camp.

  2. I hope that they are thoroughly searching the numerous construction sites, both stalled and active throught Boro Park.

  3. All our hearts go out to the family of this boy. hope he’s found unharmed very soon!

    David Greenfield probably shouldn’t make public that he’s letting his staff off for this. What happens when there is a missing chold in his district that is not from unzere. Will he do the same? Isn’t he leaving himself open to criticism from the non heimish on that angle?

    I’m not saying that he shouldn’t let them off for this. It’s a great chesed that he is contributing to the effort in this way. Just that perhaps he shouldn’t publicize that he did.


  5. Are airport surveillence footage also being looked at?
    It’s terrible to think this way but unfortuanately all possibilities should be looked into and investigated!

  6. WOW!! MI KE’AMCHA YISROEL?!! Where do you see such a people that go out so b’achdus and with some much heartto help out one of Klal Tisroel? WOW!! In this zchus may we find Leiby b’karov and safe!!!

  7. I agree with #10 if someone chas vesholom abducted leiby or known about his wherabouts and is watching the reward rise and rise he will keep holidng out waiting for it to go higher yet.

  8. Why is he referred to as “Leiby” – a Jewish name if his Yiddishe name is Yehuda. Is it only “Yehuda b. Ita Esther”? Is anyone sure this is the correct name to daven for?

  9. Ah – I didn’t know that many people call “Yehuda” Leiby because “Leiby” means little lion in Yiddish.

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