Fox With Rabies Found At Camp In Bethel

A rabid fox has been captured at a camp in the town of Bethel earlier this week, is reporting.

Sullivan County’s Commissioner of Public Safety, Richard Martinkovic says that authorities were contacted after a fox had been bothering people during the daytime at a camp located on White Lake Turnpike.

The Town Of Bethel Constable was called, and found out from the people at the camp that there was an animal that was not acting right. The constable in turn called for an animal control officer, who arrived and set up several cages to trap the animal.


2 Responses

  1. This is scary. People should be extra vigilant and careful as rabies is always fatal. If a person thinks he/she got bitten by a bat or other animal, they should get immediate medical attention cause once the symptoms start; it’s too late and death is certain.

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