Arabs Rush To Complete Illegal Mosque On Har Hazeisim

Just two days ago on Shabbos, Arab workers were frantically completing a mosque just 10’ from the grave of Menachem Begin, the late Prime Minister of Israel. The construction is an extension to an earlier section which was also built illegally. “The most disturbing aspect of this development is that Israelis are indifferent to the construction of a Mosque on Har Hazeitim,” said Avrohom Lubinsky, Chairman of the International Committee for the Preservation of Har Hazeitim. In photos obtained by the Committee, it was possible to see how Arab workers worked day and night to complete the Mosque.

According to Mr. Lubinsky, the Mosque will totally obstruct the view of Jerusalem so loved and coveted by the late Prime Minister. “Har Hazeitim will become a parking lot for the Arab worshipers who have persistently demonstrated their lack of respect for the Jewish graves.” Just 10 days ago Arab thugs destroyed 14 tombstones on Har Hazeitim. He added that pleas by Jews living in nearby Maaleh Hazeitim to halt the construction have been ignored by the Jerusalem Municipality led by Mayor Nir Barakat. “This is nothing short of a national disgrace,” said Lubinsky, who asked: “Why does it take Jews from Brooklyn to sound the alarm about desecration of the 30000 year old cemetery.” He added that Begin’s family and party will now face a Mosque when they say kaddish at his yahrzeit, the only time there is a visible gathering of family and friends.

PM Begin asked to be buried on Har Hazeitim near the graves of two Etzel members who committed suicide rather than face the gallows the British. He also wanted his grave to face Har Habayit, which will now be blocked by the illegal construction.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. The police and politicians are obviously too busy arresting 80 year old Rabbis for their Halachic opinions to bother with such trivial matters.

  2. the government rushes to tear down Jewish buildings and outposts, but an obvious arab building is allowed to stand?!
    I am not shore whose side the police are on the more I see with the recent arrest of a leading Rabbi the police are nothing more then leftist who are self hating Jews who want to see the destruction of Israel. ADMOSEI, we cannot take any more H”B send us Moshiach NOW!

  3. When the final battle over Jerusalem happens, Hashem Yisborach will cause an earthquake to open the earth at Har HaZeisim, at least we now know which part of Har HaZeisim will be swallowed up.

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