TSA Stands By Officers After Pat-Down Of Elderly Woman In Florida

The Transportation Security Administration stood by its security officers Sunday after a Florida woman complained that her cancer-stricken, 95-year-old mother was patted down and forced to remove her adult diaper while going through security.

Reports of the incident took hold in social media, with scores of comments on the topic and reposts appearing hourly on Twitter Sunday afternoon.

The TSA released a statement Sunday defending its agents’ actions at the Northwest Florida Regional Airport.

“While every person and item must be screened before entering the secure boarding area, TSA works with passengers to resolve security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner,” the federal agency said. “We have reviewed the circumstances involving this screening and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure.”

Jean Weber told CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield on Sunday that the security officers may have been procedurally correct, but she still does not believe they were justified, especially given her mother’s frail condition.

“If this is your procedure — which I do understand — I also feel that your procedure needs to be changed,” she said.

Weber said the two were traveling June 18 from northwest Florida to Michigan, so her mother could move in with relatives before eventually going to an assisted living facility.

“My mother is very ill, she has a form of leukemia,” Weber said. “She had a blood transfusion the week before, just to bolster up her strength for this travel.”

While going through security, the 95-year-old was taken by a TSA officer into a glassed-in area, where a pat-down was performed, Weber said. An agent told Weber “they felt something suspicious on (her mother’s) leg and they couldn’t determine what it was” — leading them to take her into a private, closed room.

Soon after, Weber said, a TSA agent came out and told her that her mother’s Depend undergarment was “wet and it was firm, and they couldn’t check it thoroughly.” The mother and daughter left to find a bathroom, at the TSA officer’s request, to take off the adult diaper.

Weber said she burst into tears during the ordeal, forcing her own pat-down and other measures in accordance with TSA protocol. But she said her mother, a nurse for 65 years, “was very calm” despite being bothered by the fact that she had to go through the airport without underwear.

Eventually, Weber said she asked for her mother to be whisked away to the boarding gate without her, because their plane was scheduled to leave in two minutes and Weber was still going through security.

By this weekend, the 95-year-old woman — who was not identified by name — was doing “fine” in Michigan, where her niece and her family “was treating her like royalty because they love her so much.”


6 Responses

  1. They will never dare asking an 22 year old muslim women take of her burka because they might be acused of racial profiling, but will take of the soiled underwear of a 95 year old cancer patient, pure idiots.

  2. well i think that by this story the tsa acted 100% correct. because next week a 87 year old muslim women will go thrue the screening with a pull up soiled up with only 1 small bomb. and weber should remeber next time to bring along a spare diaper!!!.

  3. @#5;
    A) Even Isreal would not stop an 87 year old muslim woman, they target young arab unmarried males ages 16-30.

    B) She had spare diapers in her carry on, it was already checked in, TSA offered to bring it back and let here change but she felt she will miss the plane. (as is she boarded the plane the last minute and almost didnt make it.

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