Same-Gender Marriage Law Passed In NYS

After days of contentious negotiations and last-minute reversals by two Republican senators, New York became the sixth and largest state in the country to legalize same-gender marriage.

Pending any court challenges, legal same-gender marriages can begin in New York by late July after Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed his bill into law just before midnight Friday.

New York becomes the sixth state where same-gender couples can wed, doubling the number of Americans living in a state with legal same-gender marriage.

“We made a powerful statement,” Cuomo said.  “This state is at its finest when it is a beacon of social justice.”

The leading opponent, Democratic Sen. Ruben Diaz, was given only a few minutes to state his case during the Senate debate.

“God, not Albany, settled the issue of marriage a long time ago,” said Diaz, a Bronx minister. “I’m sorry you are trying to take away my right to speak,” he said. “Why are you ashamed of what I have to say?”

The Catholic Bishops of New York said the law alters “radically and forever humanity’s historic understanding of marriage.”

Legal challenges of the law and political challenges aimed at the four Republicans who supported gay marriage in the 33-29 vote are expected. GOP senators endured several marathon sessions, combing through several standard but complex bills this week, before taking up the same-gender marriage bill Friday.

The bill came to the floor for a vote after an agreement was reached on more protections for religious groups that oppose same-gender marriage and feared discrimination lawsuits.

“State legislators should not decide society-shaping issues,” said the Rev. Jason McGuire of New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms. He said his organization would work in next year’s elections to defeat lawmakers who voted for the measure.


26 Responses

  1. May Hashem have mercy on the State of New York.

    Rabbi Yehuda Levin will be apoplectic when he hears about this…

    Get ready for massive lawsuits, loss of funding for semi-private institutions, and tolerance brainwashing classes in public schools.

  2. The Chillul Hashem that has come about when one realizes the Assembly Speaker is a “orthodox” Jew and one the Senators who flipped is Carl Kruger who represents an Orthodox District is mind boggoling.
    And the Agudah still makes the absurd claim that they represent “torah”?

  3. Jews have always known that such matters are not governed by the state, and that we have to make our own arrangements and worry only that the government doesn’t interfere. Now the Christians will likewise have to realize that they can not rely on the government in matters of domestic relations. This means a new ally in our own efforts to get the government to tolerate minority religious rights.

    And as far the goyim (including and especially secular Jews) being amoral and decadent, that isn’t really a hiddush.

  4. Oy! The lone Republican to vote for the bill, Saland, was honored by Peekskill Yeshiva a few years ago. A descendant of R’ Yisroel Salanter R”L.

  5. Rabbi Wallerstein in one of his shiurs said that when NY passes the same gender bill. Jews have to move out!!!!!

    I agree.


  6. “The lone Republican to vote for the bill, Saland,”

    Four Republicans voted for the bill: Saland, Grisanti, Alesi, and McDonald. One Democrat voted against the bill: Diaz.

  7. “one the Senators who flipped is Carl Kruger who represents an Orthodox District is mind boggoling”

    The New York Times reported that Kruger switched his vote because his girlfriend’s gay nephew completely cut off contact with both of them after Kruger voted against the bill earlier.

  8. Shame on Dov
    Shame on Shelly Sheigatz Silver
    Shame on bonei oilam for bringing both of these garbage shkutzim to speak in front of BP.
    SHAME ON YOU!!!!

  9. Massive rally set by Agudath Israel in Albany at TWO on Sunday, buses will be leaving Monsey, Lakewood, Passaic and Manhattan at Noon, Zweibel and others will be calling for this bill to be repealed and the State Assemblymen to be censured, expecting over 10.000 Yidden to join, All Roshie Hayeshivos have appealed over to attend, this is a Yom Tzara. Just Joking the Orthodox World is leaderless!!!!

  10. What did you really expect from an immoral secular world we live in? What real difference does it make to anyone other than the legalities involved. The only reason that the law is necessary is so that legally insurance recognizes a partner as a spouse and that goes for any other legal or financial issue involved as well.

    Morally, they can’t have a religious ceremony because it is NOT recognized or rather shunned by anyone who believes in Hahsem and in G-d’s word! Will they NOT continue doing what they do if they don’t have a legal piece of paper? Can anyone stop them? So now they are covered legally for financial reasons and medical reasons.

    As far as the Agudah is concerned maybe they can concentrate in dealing with their own dirty issues.

  11. The New York Times reported that Kruger switched his vote because his girlfriend’s gay nephew completely cut off contact with both of them after Kruger voted against the bill earlier.

    Grounds for dismissal – voting based on family conflict of interest versus the desire of your constituents.

    As for the bill, I can see the following happening:

    HIV+ gays from the Third World, mainly Muslims, come to the US and take refugee status. They then get married to US men so they can stay in the US. Just what we need. And a great way for a terror organization to spread HIV in the US.

  12. The day will come when those who praised Sen. Joe Lieberman and those that mocked Rabbi Yehuda Levin Shlita will have to face the music. “Al tischaber l’rashaim” is a basic tenet of Judaism that too many rabbonim have ignored for decades and we are only beginning to eat the fruit of this short sightedness.

    If it wasn’t for the predictions of chazal of a depraved world that precedes Moshiach’s arrival we would have to fight ferociously for electing Republican Conservatives who would reverse this heinous bill. Instead we must now decide wehther to move to higher ground to a less repulsive society or to hunker down in our current homes (build an ark in our back yards) and do as the Chazon Ish zt’l told the Satmar rebbe zt’l when asked how can he live in a heretical society. We now must seek spiritual protection in our batei medrashim and batel kenosios. Next Siyum Hashas should not be attended if Bloomberg and his ilk are invited again. The power of Chanifeh (Flattery) is so astounding that we break bread with and publicly honor our enemies and then wonder why they vote the way they do. Ribbono Shel Olam!!! They do not believe in one word that is written in our shas! Oh, how our leaders have misguided us. Just like the mishna in Sotah predicted almost two thousand years ago, “Pnei Hador K’pnei Hakelev” Hold on tight for “it is sick and getting sicker”. Only Hashem can heal us now and he will through our redeemer.

  13. And I quote, Moshe Rabbeinu, in THIS WEEK’s PARSHA (Korach): “V’Yedatem ki niatzu ha’anashim ho’eilah es Hashem”. “And you will know that these men angered Hashem.” Rabbosai, I would be very afraid for earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. or (perhaps wishfully speaking) a splitting of the Atlantic! (Or the Hudson 😉 ) Hashem Yishmor.

  14. While same gender “marriage” is abhorrent, no one is forcing it on anyone. If rabbonim were able to refuse to officiate at forbidden marriages marriages between man and woman in the past, why the concern about protection for refusing to participate in these ceremonies?

  15. Joseph613,

    “Rabbi” Levin’s doesn’t just break bread with our enemies, he openly supports them and tries to get them elected!

  16. This bill promotes the Toieva lifestyle. We live in a society were even the most insulated Jews are affected by the Goyim. I know a few former Frum Jews who became this way. I’m pretty sure that these former Frum yidden would still be Frum, if the Toeivas still lived in the closet! But the money being offered to the Frum orgs. persuaded them to support these politicians. They will have more to answer Achar Maeh V’essrim than the goyim supporting this abomination! All the ones defending the bill amongst us, do you really enjoy sleeping with your head in the sand?

  17. If people would not talk in shul during davening or if they would not bring a cell phone which is on into shul, this bill would never have passed.

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