NYS: Republicans Huddle Over Same-Gender Marriage Vote

Senate Republicans stunned the Capitol last night by abruptly adjourning without holding a much-anticipated vote on same-gender marriage — a move that also allowed rent regulations to expire.

Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos (R-Nassau) blamed ongoing disputes with Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) over proposals to relieve local governments from state-mandated costs.

“I’m convinced — how many times have I said that? — we will get it done,” Skelos said. “I want to have all the bills in print, everything, and then we’ll discuss the same-gender marriage [bill].”

The Senate’s departure left more than 1 million Big Apple apartments without rent regulations for the second time in two weeks.

Lawmakers planned to return to the Capitol this morning.

The blowup derailed plans for an all-night marathon session in which lawmakers were expected to vote on a flurry of historic proposals from Gov. Cuomo, including an expansion of rent regulations, a cap on rural and suburban property taxes and same-gender nuptials.

Earlier, the stage appeared set for a same-gender -marriage vote after Skelos vowed to take up the issue with Republican senators.

The measure, which has already passed the Assembly, remains just one vote shy of Senate passage.

(Source: NY Post)

7 Responses

  1. mik5: He is fighting it tooth and nail, being in touch with State Senate leaders.

    #2 (charlie) is an “Open Orthodox” Avi Weiss synagogue dweller who is well-known for taking positions outside of the Torah and Orthodoxy, hence his comment.

  2. Charliehall –

    You are referring to Rabbi Levin’s endorsement of Patrick Buchanon (yemach shemo), the same Patrick Buchanon whose mother was a Nazi sympathizer, the same Patrick Buchanon who just recently defended that 91-year-old Nazi war criminal with a wheelchair. (Sorry, I can’t be bothered to look up the dog’s name.)

    Yes, Rabbi Levin is an EXTREMELY strong opponent of the homosexualist/ sodomist agenda. Many think that he goes too far.

  3. Also, what does sodom marriage have to do w/ rent control and property tax caps?

    I am told that frum Yid Sheldon Silver, a Dem who supports rent control but opposes sodom marriage, was FORCED to vote for the latter.

  4. You may not like Rav Levin’s abrasive manner, but he is out there in the trenches protecting your religious rights and your children, while you eat pizza and sushi!

  5. #3, Is MR Yehuda Levin’s positions inside Torah and Orthodoxy? He is routinely Mivaze Gedolay Yisroel and Rabbonim. He proports to speak in the name of Rav Avigdor Miller ZT”L. Too bad that HoRav Miller can’t be moche!
    I am sorry that Pac-Man a self appointed spokesman for othdoxy placed you “outside the camp”

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