POll: Only 3 In 10 Will Vote For Obama

Americans are growing more dissatisfied with President Barack Obama’s handling of the economy and say it will be hard to vote to re-elect him without seeing significant progress over the next year and a half.

By a margin of 61 percent to 37 percent, a Bloomberg National Poll conducted June 17-20 shows Americans say they believe that Obama will have had his chance to make the economy “substantially better” by the end of 2012.

Only 30 percent of respondents said they are certain to vote for the president and 36 percent said they definitely won’t. Among likely independent voters, only 23 percent said they will back his re-election, while 36 percent said they definitely will look for another candidate.

“As far as the economy goes, I don’t see that he has delivered on the change that he promised,” said Sharon Ortiz, a 38-year-old independent voter from Hampton, Virginia, who supported Obama in 2008. “The jobs that he promised — I haven’t seen it.”

At the same time, Americans are skeptical that Republican control of the White House and Congress will be a better prescription for their economic wellbeing. Sixty percent said that any Republican candidate will need to move so far to the right on fiscal and social issues to win their party’s nomination that it will be very hard to back the nominee.


7 Responses

  1. I checked out RealClearPolitics.com’s poll summary yesterday. Against a generic Republican, Obama is ahead by an average of two points. But against actual Republicans, his margin is from seven to nineteen points. Americans may be unenthusiastic about Obama, but they know they don’t want the Republican extremists.

  2. It is a little early to be comparing Obama to individual republican candidates- I’m sure Obama was not polling that well this far in advance of the 2008 election when he too was an unknown!

  3. Way too early. These numbers are meaningless. Obama will be using the “if not for me it’d be much worse” defense. Which while possiably true, is a terrible political defense.

    Obama has positioned himself at the political center. His election is assured unless either the economy does really bad or the GOP nominee is from the far right.

  4. According to a CNN poll released June 25, 2007 Obama was up 6 against McCain. He was down two points to Giuliani.

  5. I have been a life long Democrat..(51 years)…I consider myself a conservative Democrat…Yesterday my lovely wife and I switched parties to Republican as we can NO LONGER support the insanity of this administration…..

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