PHOTOS: United Hatzalah Race To Save Lives With Jay & Jeanie Schottenst​ein

On June 10th 2011 ten new ambucycles were dedicated to the fleet of United Hatzalah lifesaving ambucycles. The ambucycles were purchased with funds raised by a group of young students let by Alex Goldberg, Aharon Watson and Atara Tenenbaum. The group arranged a race to benefit United Hatzalah, “The Race to Save Lives”. The race took place on March 4 of this year and drew over 500 participants and spectators.

What began as a dream to raise money for one or two ambucycles snowballed as more and more people were excited about having the opportunity to “Race to Save Lives” either by actually participating in the 5K race or at least sponsoring runners in the race. In the end, enough funds were raised to put 10 lifesaving United Hatzalah ambucycles on the streets of Israel. Some people commented how they were directly helped by United Hatzalah ambucycles medics and wanted to show their appreciation. Others simply appreciated seeing the ambucycles ready and responding to car accidents, terror attacks and medical incidents and wanted to support in any way possible.

United Hatzalah board members and sponsors Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein were on hand for the dedication ceremony and imparted their philanthropic advice to the next generation of Jewish leaders. United Hatzalah board member Alan Dershowitz sent a letter of encouragement and appreciation to the students. Chief Rabbi of the Kotel, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, was on hand for the event as well and had warm words of praise and bracha for the young students and the Schottensteins for their commitment to United Hatzalah and Jewish causes in general.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

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