TEHILLIM – Lakewood Couple Involved In Serious Accident

A couple from Lakewood was involved in a serious accident in Pennsylvania, early Sunday morning,  and are said to be in serious condition. Please take a moment to be Mispallel for Eliyahu Zev ben Sima Chana, and Tziporah bas Esther Baila.

Sources say they were driving from Cleveland when they collided with a deer on the highway.

Any further information which becomes available to YWN will be published.

(YWN Desk – NYC / TLS)

9 Responses

  1. Hashem Yishmor! I really wish they would install some high guardrails on the sides of highways. Deers can be so dangerous, frightening, and r”l fatal.

  2. KIsh Echad BLev Echad – Are you a Democrat/Socialist or do you work for the Gov.? If not, why is your solution something that will cost the taxpayers millions?
    Here is a solution from deerwhistle.com that costs 6 bucks:
    “The Save-A-Deer whistle is the smallest and best single unit air-activated animal alert /automobile deer whistle design on the market today. When mounted to a vehicle, car, truck, or motorcycle moving at 35 mph or faster, the deer whistle makes a sound that alerts deer, moose, elk, antelope, and kangaroos of the approaching vehicle and assists with accident prevention. Animals are very unpredictable, but they will usually respond by freezing along the side of the road avoiding vehicle collision. Occasionally the animals will perk their ears and look over at the vehicle. You should always exercise caution when driving in areas heavily populated with animals. You should examine the deer whistle occasionally to be sure it is still mounted to the vehicle and does not have any blockage in the holes. Our whistles make a great auto deer protection device to help reduce chances of deer and vehicle collisions. Over 2 million Save-A-Deer whistles have been sold world wide!”

  3. Unlike Interstate 80, the Pennsylvania Turnpike is fenced off on both sides and deer cannot access the highway.

  4. How will installing guardrails be effective? The deer will just jump over them. Also take into consideration we invaded their terroritory. There are devices that can be instlled in the front bumper area that emit a high pitched sound that would scare the deer away.

  5. i agree that more people should know about the deer whistle BUT lets not get off the main subject and that is to be Mispallel for Eliyahu Zev ben Sima Chana, and Tziporah bas Esther Baila.

  6. 1. Deer can leap over 12 foot fences if they have to. I wouldnt expect any state to line both sides of every highway with a 12 foot high (or more!!) fence!!

    3. I also hail from the midwest and know every inch of the PA Turnpike from exit 75 to exit 226, as well as the Philly area, like the back of my hand. I always see dead deer on the road. The high fence you ‘may’ be referring to is to prevent rock slides, not deer slides.

    I was once zoche to have a deer jump in front of my car while I was going 60mph (legally!). There isnt much time for anything. BH for us, it only caused about 11K damage to my vehicle.

  7. em0616 says:
    “The dear whistle was proven ineffective, in numerous
    research studies.”
    While it’s true a lot of deer whistles are ineffective, if you would have gone to website that I posted, you would have seen some are effective:
    “Product Testing
    Living Products has been in business since 1988, creating the best product on the market. We do one thing, and we do it well. Our product is made in the U.S. with U.S. materials. The Save-A-Deer whistle was tested by Business Research Group in Bellvue, Iowa, along with 8 other models on the market. Save-A-Deer whistles were found to be 92% effective at freezing (stop moving) the deer. It was tested in Iowa on White tail deer, Wisconsin on white tail deer, and Colorado on mule deer. Please go to the Test Research for further test result information”

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