‘Limousine Liberals’ Report Shows Government Limo Fleet Swelling

Obama administration officials are riding in style.

A new report from a watchdog group shows that the number of limousines owned by the federal government rose by 73 percent during the first two years of President Obama’s administration. The State Department was the recipient of most the new luxury vehicles.

The “Limousine Liberals?” report from iWatch News, part of the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity, showed that government data pegged the number of limos in the federal fleet at 412 in fiscal 2010, up from 238 in fiscal 2008.

Some of the details are a bit hazy. Most of the new limos were obtained in fiscal 2009, which covered the very end of George W. Bush’s term and the first eight months of Obama’s — so the Bush administration could have initiated some of the purchases.

The General Services Administration, which keeps the data, also told iWatch News that its “limousine” category refers to a range of vehicles, including sedans.

But that doesn’t mean the government is buying jalopies. The State Department said its vehicle of choice was the Cadillac DTS. The department told iWatch News the vehicles are mainly used by diplomats overseas and “distinguished foreign visitors” in the United States.

(Source: Fox News)

3 Responses

  1. What happened to cash for clunkers? The environment? No more entitlements? Change?
    What do you call a high style democrat? A hypocrite!

  2. REASON I dislike the liberals; they tell you what to do but they are cheating behind your back. Like the communist; no
    meat in communist Russia where people stood in line for everything from bread to toilet paper but the controllers
    and I really mean the controllers had everything. They want us to cut down on using our cars, use bikes, etc but they increase the limo fleet 73%. thank you chairman mao rather
    chairman obama

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