Palin & Trump To Meet Tuesday Night In New York

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) will meet with real estate mogul and erstwhile presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday in Manhattan.

Palin, who’s in the midst of a national bus tour that embarked from Washington and stopped several places in Pennsylvania today, will meet with the host of NBC’s “The Apprentice” at Trump Tower.

The pair will dine elsewhere, and a spokesman for Trump declined to provide additional details about the meeting.

Still, the meeting is likely to attract considerable attention for readers of political tea leaves; Trump had flirted with running for president and gained some traction in the polls, only to withdraw from the race this month after re-upping for another season of his reality TV show.

Palin had some praise for Trump during his short-lived campaign, which received quite a bit of coverage as the reality television start spoke of his skepticism about whether President Obama was born in the U.S. The White House eventually released Obama’s long-form birth certificate to try to put an end to the story.

“More power to him. He’s not just throwing stones, you know — from the sidelines. He’s digging in there. He’s paying for researchers to know why President Obama would have spent $2 million to not show his birth certificate. So more power to him,” Palin said on Fox News in April of Trump’s pressure on Obama over the birth certificate.

The 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee has only stoked speculation of her own possible campaign for president with her bus trip, which will take her later this week to New Hampshire, the home of the first-in-the-nation presidential primary in 2012.

(Source: The Hill)

12 Responses

  1. I wonder if these 2 publicity seeking celebrities will find anything of substance to discuss. Maybe they’ll agree to drop out of any potential campaign to allow substantive candidates to face off in primaries. I would hope that the Republicans have better qualified candidates than these two. They can’t be the best and the brightest that the GOP has to offer!

  2. I’d take Obama over Palin any day.

    All Palin does all day is say “I love Israel” and smile. What a joke.

    I believe that Palin does not have America’s best interests at heart. She is bought and paid for by the pro-Israel lobby.

  3. Proudliberal,

    How r u? One question for you. Obama is not getting money from the Arabs? Rather have money from Jews than money running with blood of innocent ppl on it.

    Got this feeling your buddy Obama is the puppet of the Arab lobby bought & paid for.

  4. I hear Trump and Palin are going to make a sequel to the movie “Dumb and Dumber,” but they are fighting over who gets second billing.

  5. I actually feel they are both patriots and will do a better job than any smooth talking politicians. I hope they run, amd win.

  6. “I believe that Palin does not have America’s best interests at heart. She is bought and paid for by the pro-Israel lobby.”

    Not only do I not believe that, I think that is an anti-Semitic slander.

    “Obama is the puppet of the Arab lobby bought & paid for.”

    Responding to one slander with another slander degrades the second slanderer.

  7. I try and rarely do not slander charlie. But who is bankrolling Obama? His arab friends and ppl he is giving breaks to. Such as the big 3 in detroit and standing by the abrabs in forcing Israel into a wall with nowhere to turn. So I ask you where am I slandering the character who uses Air Force 1 more than any other president in the pass to go on vacations at our the tax payers expense? Is that fair or am I slandering? My question to you are you one of his banks that drop money in the free loafers lap you call a world leader?

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